Monday, March 27, 2023

#growinginJesus #meekness #shepherding #calledtoHoliness

#growinginJesus #meekness #shepherding #calledtoHoliness

As you grow older, never let the Devil attack you for being an old fool, don't allow him to bring up the past, as when you pray the Lord's prayer daily, you ask for forgiveness of sins, and so the past is the past.

Moses was 80 years old when he saw the burning bush in the Desert. God's call upon his life was not when he was in position to rule Egypt as a son of the daughter of Pharaoh, or even as a citizen of Egypt with power. Moses had murdered a man and had fled into the desert at age 40, and so in a day when men's average lifespan was 25 years, by the time God sent him back to Egypt at age 80, no one was alive to remember his original crime.

Now Moses lacked confidence in his ability to speak and wondered who was he to address Pharaoh. The Devil will come against you and say, "Who are you to address the powers and authorities of the institutions, corporations, and Governments?" And IF he was just addressing "you" without the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, he would be right. However, Jesus told the disciples of his day that when they were brought before the leadership and powers of their day, to not worry about what to say, because His Holy Spirit would bring to mind what they needed to remember and say.

So be meek like Moses, but also humble enough to realize that you have nothing to say without the Holy Spirit who lives symbiotically with the believer.

The power of the Gospel is not limited to Apostles, Disciples of old, Bishops, Deacons, Clergy, etc, but what does the Apostle Peter remind us in his 1st Epistle? We are a priesthood of believers, and IF the Holy Spirit indwells you and you are born again, and you are growing on the vine, being pruned by the Holy Spirit so you produce good fruit and not sour grapes like a branch that has grown too long and has not been pruned back, then the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ is one with you in Spirit and you have nothing to fear when you know Christ is speaking through you just like he did as Yahweh through Moses to Pharaoh. And like with Pharaoh, it does not mean the powers will necessarily listen to you. Sometimes you may find a King Agrippa who comes close, or a King Abgar who converts to Christianity. But most of the time your message is for the people of God and near the Kingdom of Heaven to hear, so they may awaken and change the world.

For Jesus himself, spoke to the institutions of Jewish Authority about their corruption and where they were missing the Kingdom of Heaven, and yet at the same time opposed Zealots who would have him overthrow Rome and come and make him King by force, for Jesus knew his Kingdom here on Earth would not grow by Earthly power and force, but would grow through the meek, who would need the infilling of His Holy Spirit to do what they could not do on their own, and that is why he said in the beatitudes that the "meek" would inherit the Earth for the sake of the Kingdom as vessels through which Jesus righteousness would come to rule in the hearts of all men and women who would repent of sin and yield to Christ's rule and reign in their heart through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The descendents of Abraham who came to Egypt with Joseph and his brothers did not remember or realize the power of their Covenant with Elohim that Abraham had made, and so when famine came, they turned to Egypt to feed them and made themselves slaves and sold themselves to the Egyptians for food.

Yet when Moses led them out of Egypt and starvation and famine threatened them in the desert, did Moses listen to the community leadership to turn back to Egypt and allow the Big Progressive Nanny State Government of Pharoah to provide for all their needs? No, Moses prayed and they received Manna from Heaven and were fed, and later when the people grumbled gave them quail to eat along with the Manna.

There is a real danger when the institutional Churches are telling us to sell ourselves out to Government to do the work of God instead of calling out to God for provision and simply believing in the power of the New Covenant they have in Jesus Christ!


Original Post migrated from Facebook from March 27, 2017