Friday, January 26, 2024

America made Government its new god in 1965 or Why Joe Biden & DC HATE MAGA!

 America made Government its new god in 1965 or Why Joe Biden & DC HATE MAGA!

#JoeBiden #LIES and speaks the #NativeTongue of his Father, the #Devil: ‭You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. - John 8:44 - see not only is abortion murder, but this is also NOT THE BEST AMERICAN ECONOMY EVER! The BEST ECONOMY EVER was in 1964 when 75% of American homes had a Mother & Father in them, not 2023 when only 18% do! There is a reason #DC hates #MAGA, because they have done EVERYTHING since 1965 to NOT MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
CITE #1: 

America had a new god in Government in 1965 or the rise of PIMP DADDY GOVERNMENT, with LBJ's Great Society running Fathers out of the American home, then in 1970, with Federal Law for "No-Fault Divorces" Progressives in DC were able to take the Sacred Christian Covenant Marriage heritage in America and treat a Marriage License like it was toilet paper to wipe their Progressive butts with, and then in 1973, began the Genocide of Gen X with abortion, and now 63 million aborted American babies, 99% who were not terminated for the life of the mother, rape, or incest at $500 abortion making Progressives #31.5 billion in profit, are now being replaced with immigrants as Jerry Nadler recently and proudly proclaimed in Congress!  In America, 80% of women file for divorce, and 90% if they have a college degree!

How Progressive Socialists BROKE THE FAMILY in America in the last 60 years!

CITE #2:

If you've voted Progressive Democrat or Centrist Republican since 1973 you voted for very Demonic, modern Baal/Moloch worship:

Seth Gruber on modern day abortion & child sacrifice in the Bible!

CITE #3:

Biden regulations have cost Americans almost $10,000 per household: study

"The Trump administration's agencies through four years reduced regulatory costs by almost $11,000 per household in present value," according to Mulligan.
CITE #4:

What the Biden Administration, Democrats, and Uniparty Republicans DON'T understand about your brain, and it's quite sad, no conspiracy here, just the facts!

In 2016 before Trump was elected as Obama's term ended, 78% of Americans were already living paycheck to paycheck, and 50% were making $33,000 or less with record adult suicides from Americans just giving up unable to meet the cost of living at $56,000 a year.

In the 1980s, Dad made $36,000 a year and could take care of a family of 8, but inflation jumped 271% between 1980 to 2023 because of the Congress' endless deficit spending driving up inflation to the point a $1 in 2020 had the value of a $0.25 in 1980, and now look at what $100 buys in groceries compared to 2020, not even enough for a week for one individual when it comes to groceries!

Yet Biden has the gall to go on TV and say this is the best Economy America has ever seen! #LyingJoeBiden #ProgressiveCommunists #DeceptfulDemocrats #NoLoveForAmericaRINOs!

Are you tired of #Boomers #snapping at you, telling you how #lazy you are, and how you don't try enough? Meanwhile, they took the #blessings of the American dream and threw it away enslaving you on Government's #reckless #deficit #spending that enslaves your life, so you have to work #harder than the Boomers ever had to, and they #destroyed any chance of you having the #Americandream!

#GenZ has #NoReasonToVoteDemocrat, they gave everything to the #Boomers in their #DCPonziScheme and now tell you that you will #HaveNothing, #OwnNothing, and #BeHappy! Things will NEVER get better for a #GenZer who votes either #ProgressiveDemocrat or #RinoRepublican!

Tell me once more how American & Christian it is for one to vote Democrat? I'd really like to know?

#abortion #ProChoise #Equals #ProDeath The #greatreplacement #theory is now #reality as #Democrats in #Congress admit It! It should have been #obvious when they named the #FIRSTGeneration #Genocided by abortion #GenerationX, you can't even give them a name like #Boomer because you have #XcisedTheGeneration you have #XcludedTheGenerationFromTheAmericanDream! Wow, they are now saying it out in the open...

Ronald Cardwell's lack of education on those less than the 1% economic class is very telling! Did Ron SLEEP through the Obama years? Tell me again how it got BETTER under Biden, since only the top 10% of Americans can afford to buy a home?

Progressive is another word for American Communists!

Communists usually take care of the 10% and forget about the rest of the people. Now, who does that sound like? Let's see what did Obama do for the past 8 years? Why did Hillary lose? Probably something to do with the last 8 years of Obama taking care of the 10% and forgetting about everyone else:

Most Americans Still Worse Off Than Before Recession, Fed Finds

Newly released income and wealth data from the Federal Reserve Board’s triennial Survey of Consumer Finances show that America’s richest families enjoyed gains in income and net worth over the last decade. Not part of the top 10 percent? Then your income probably fell. The data show that families ranked in the highest percentile saw an income gain of $16,300 from 2007 to 2016. Those below are still making less money.

When it comes to wealth, the gap is even bigger. In 2007, half of families had a net worth of $139,700 or more and half fell below this level. By 2016, the midpoint dropped to $97,300 -- a decline of $42,600. Families ranked in the top tenth of net worth have enjoyed a sizable gain since 2007: a $132,100 rise in net worth to reach almost $1.2 million.

Ron was on his profile telling #GenZers if they worked hard they could be like him in their adult life. Problem is Ron had very good parents who took care of him, he did not come from the 82% of families where Mommy & Daddy were not there where we lived in Butler County growing up.

His parents were good people, his sister was my brother's classmate. Ron sent me a friend request now over a decade ago, but when he got online telling GenZers this was the Best Economy In American History repeating Biden's lies, I had to speak up and hand him the truth!

Ron Cardwell, could not handle the truth, so he messaged me to NOT post politics on his page (wasn't posting politics like you and Joe Biden Ron Cardwell, just the truth).

Then he blocked me. We were never close friends in real life, just people who knew each other through school, so I don't mourn that he has BLOCKED me from his Facebook page for sharing the truth.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and Ron can talk to Jesus now, which I pray he does, or he will talk to Jesus later for sharing Joe Biden's LIES!
CITE #8:

Ron Cardwell NEVER did answer these questions either before he BLOCKED me:

What happens when you have voted for Progressives in DC since 1980? A 272.6% jump in inflation caused by unending deficit spending! #BuildCrackPipesBetterEconomy #BuildBackBetter #LyingJoeBiden #RichMenNorthOfRichmond #USEconomy #USAToday

Boy, are you stuck in the 80s, as the teacher pointed out in the income power of her parents as teachers held in 1990 versus today, they NEVER had to worry about a 2nd or 3rd job to make ends meet, they did it on ONE income and never worked their summers off from school. A $12 dollar-an-hour job in Gatlinburg is the same as Mom's $ 3.50-an-hour minimum wage from the 1980s adjusted after inflation.

All this talk of giving a living wage at $15 an hour is a laugh, when it's barely above Mom's $3.50 an hour minimum wage working fast food in the 1980s to help supplement Dad's 2 jobs. I mean $15 an hour was a living wage in the 1980s, but not today!

For those not ever having to live below the 1% economic class in your lifetime, you just don't know, I mean you should but you don't!

When $1 million dollars today is what $250,000 was in 1980, like Nancy Pelosi, you just don't think about it when she has hundreds of millions of dollars in insider trading, which is why she went from making $95,000 a year in 1987 when she came to DC, to where she is now!

What RON believed in this REPORT is a bunch of SMOKE and MIRRORS, they PAID out to the Baby Boomers, the first generation, and are BANKRUPTING the rest of the generations, especially when Housing is unfordable for 99% of the nation!

Democrats just replaced their slaves they lost in the CIVIL WAR with average Americans and DON'T give a damn, because they've been slowly heating up the boiling pot, so the FROGS can't realize they are being COOKED!

Do you think these $20-an-hour jobs are something? It's like me making $8.50 an hour at UPS back at Trevecca. Yeah, it was better pay than $3.50 an hour minimum wage, but it was not a living wage! To be on the equivalent, you need to be making $60 an hour today be where $15 was in the 1980s!

Inflation Calculator: Money’s Real Worth Over Time - - in the calculator on the page put in 1980 for the first year, $20 for the value of money, and 2024 for the current year, and you will see a 272.6% jump in inflation!
CITE #9:

I have a good friend, who has been hoodwinked by the Media on Trump and he dared to try to tell me the above LINK is NOT how inflation is figured, I pointed out to him, the US Government uses the EXACT same tool, they just don't want you to know the truth!

Did you ever have at least a class in Micro/Macro Economics? This is the same SCALE the US Government uses:

If Paul Ryan had not opposed Trump balancing the budget and paying of the national debt in 8 years, 99% of Americans could afford a home, which currently cannot, because inflation due to deficit spending would be ZERO, and $15 an hour would once again become a living wage!
CITE #10:

Ronald Cardwell NEVER bothered to deal with this reality in #LyingJoeBiden's #FauxGreatestEconomyEver:

50 Million Young People Will Own Nothing

As I've said, #GenZers have #NoReasonToVoteDemocrat or #RINORepublican!

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Saint Nicholas - the legend behind the story of Santa Claus

 Saint Nicholas - the legend behind the story of Santa Claus

By the time you read this, Santa Claus has already come to town, bringing gifts to children.

Santa has several aliases, depending on the part of the world you live in. The English call him Father Christmas, the French know him as Père Noël, and Kris Kringle seems be a version of the Christkind, or Christ Child, who leaves treats for good German Lutherans.

In the Netherlands, he arrives in town on a steamboat or horse from Spain. On the night of Dec. 5, Dutch children put their shoes on the hearth — these days near the central heating duct — hoping that he will fill them with sweet rewards rather than a reprimand for poor behavior. The Dutch call him Sinterklaas — which has come into American English as "Santa Claus" — short for Sint Nicolaas or St. Nicholas.

St. Nicholas and Santa Claus are historically the same man. But unlike the jolly figure who purportedly flies on a sleigh from the North Pole, the saint came originally from the balmy Mediterranean coast.

Who was St. Nicholas really?

As a historian of religions who has written books about ancient saints, I caution against reading accounts of saints’ lives as factual history. However, the earliest stories of St. Nicholas seem to correlate with histories and church documents of the period.

According to these early medieval texts, Nicholas was born around 260 A.D. into a Christian family. His birthplace was near the town of Myra, now called Demre, on the southwest coast of modern Turkey. At the time, Christianity was illegal under the Roman Empire.

He studied to be a priest and spent time in prison for his beliefs. However, after Emperor Constantine legalized Christianity, Nicholas was elected bishop of Myra.

During his lifetime, he became famous for defending his people against imperial taxes and other forms of oppression. According to the earliest document about Nicholas, from the 5th century, he prevented three loyal generals from unjust execution for treason.

A 9th-century Greek legend claims he revived three scholars who had been murdered and stashed in a pickling tub. He also saved three girls whose poverty-stricken father wanted to sell them into prostitution.

After his death, people believed that Nicholas continued to work miracles. His burial place, below the floor of his church, became a popular destination for pilgrims who begged Nicholas to relay their petitions to God.

Proof that Nicholas was listening, they believed, was in the “manna”holy oil or water — that dripped from the tomb. Pilgrims took this manna home in little bottles or used rags to sop up the moisture that dripped from the saint’s tomb in its subterranean crypt. This was a common pilgrimage practice at Christian shrines.

Visitors to the coastal town of Myra spread Nicholas’ fame along sea routes across the Mediterranean. From there, word passed to the Latin West, and upriver to Russia. Soon, pilgrims from all over Christendom were journeying to Myra to seek the gifts of protection and healing from the saint, who was said to be especially attentive to children.

Italians steal the body

This pilgrimage was disrupted in the 11th century when Seljuk Turks invaded Anatolia. Christians feared that the Muslims who now governed Demre would disregard the saint’s tomb. So, one crew of pious Italian Christians decided to take action.

In 1087, three ships laden with grain set out from Bari, on Italy’s southeast coast, bound for Antioch. However, according to a monk named Nicephorus who wrote immediately after the event, their real mission was to steal St. Nicholas’ body.

In Antioch they heard a rumor that the Venetians too were planning a similar heist. The Barian sailors hastily sold off their grain and headed for Myra in search of St. Nicholas’ church. Priestly custodians there became suspicious when the sailors asked to see the saint’s body.

The Barians claimed that the pope had a vision directing him to fetch Nicholas to Italy. When the priests refused, they offered gold for the relics, but the offer “was tossed aside like dung.” Done with arguing, the Barians caught and bound the priests. Suddenly, a phial of manna fell to the pavement and broke. It seemed that St. Nicholas spoke to them: “It is my will that I leave here with you.”

So, the Barians broke through marble floor with picks and hammers. A delicious aroma filled the church as they opened the tomb. They found the bones swimming in a small sea of manna. They carefully wrapped the relics in a silk case brought for the purpose.

Nicephorus describes how they fled to their ship, pursued by outraged priests and a howling crowd of citizens demanding that they “give back the father who has by his protection kept us safe from visible foes.”

Yet the crew made it back to the harbor at Bari, where the townsfolk and clergy processed, singing joyous hymns, to greet the saint.

St. Nicholas gets a reputation

A new church was built for Nicholas in the court of the governor of Bari. A few years later, Pope Urban II — the one who would preach the First Crusade — formally enshrined the relics of the saint.

The Barians believed that manna continued to ooze from Nicholas’ coffin. And going by the claim on the basilica’s website, the belief persists to this day.

Within a decade of the saint’s arrival in 1087, the Basilica di San Nicola was one of Europe’s most popular pilgrimage destinations. May 9 is still celebrated as the day that Nicholas moved shrines or was “translated.”

For at least five centuries, the region, which includes Bari and its saint, was caught in constant wars for possession of southern Italy. In 1500, Bari fell into the hands of King Ferdinand of Aragon, whose marriage to Queen Isabella of Spain created a global naval power.

Because Nicholas was a patron saint of sailors, Spanish sailors and explorers carried stories of the saint wherever they went: Mexico, the Caribbean, Florida and other ports around the world.

Even the Dutch, who rebelled against Catholic Spain and formed a Calvinist republic in 1581, somehow maintained their devotion to Sinterklaas. In other parts of Europe, St. Nicholas lost his feast day but his concern for children helped link him to the gift-giving tradition of another December feast day: Christmas.

How true is this story?

In the 1950s, Italian scientists examined the bones enshrined in the Basilica di San Nicola, seeking evidence of authenticity.

They found the skull and incomplete skeleton of a man, dating to around the 4th century. More recent technology has allowed experts to use the bones to reconstruct Nicholas’ face — he looks like an old Greek man with a broad, worn face. He lacks the rosy cheeks and Anglo-Germanic features of modern Christmas decorations, but like the Santa Claus of greeting cards, he was probably bald.

Turkish archaeologists now claim that the Italians stole the wrong body and that Nicholas’ remains never left Demre. They have discovered another sarcophagus dating to the 4th century in the same church, which they claim contains the saint.

Meanwhile, historians have suggested that the story of Nicholas’ translation is a fiction purposely created to advertise a new pilgrimage center in the 11th century. Although relic theft was common in the Middle Ages, grave-robbers often made mistakes or lied about the authenticity and source of their bones. Nothing in the shrine at Bari proves that the bones inside belong to the 4th-century Bishop Nicholas.

Still, this holiday season, when you tell your children about Santa Claus, why not include the tale of Santa’s well-traveled bones? And don’t forget the manna, which is believed to still flow in Bari.

Lisa Bitel, Professor of History & Religion, University of Southern California – Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license.

Friday, October 20, 2023

The problem with 20th-century science is scientists were no longer engaged in Philosophy to deal with metaphysics . . .

The problem with 20th-century science is scientists were no longer engaged in Philosophy to deal with metaphysics . . .

Without Theology, you would not have Philosophy. The oracle at Delphi claimed Socrates was the wisest man alive, so he set out on his Socratic quest to prove her wrong, only to find out his wisdom lay in his ignorance he was willing to admit when he did not know, rather than commit a fallacy of logic.

His students were Plato & Aristotle, the latter who laid the foundations for Western Hellenistic Education from which Science would later develop.

Until the 19th century, most scientists were also philosophers, as the two disciplines intertwined, as with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, the founder of Calculus, and also his philosophy of Monodolgy which matched the theory of the atom. Many of the early scientists also had a belief in God or at least a prime mover.

But in the 20th century, science began to divorce itself from the schools of philosophy and theology, striving for an explanation of existence from physics and ignoring the underlying metaphysics it came from in both Theology and Philosophy!

The problem with 20th-century science is scientists were no longer engaged in Philosophy to deal with metaphysics, they tended to just study the physical aspects of the universe, which is fine, honestly, I never understood Algebra I or Algebra II until I got into Physics, and then when I learned to program (today they say learn to code) it was great because now I could write programs that applied algebra and physics and could calculate both faster than I could and not make errors, provided the code was written correctly. I loved Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, so much to learn. But see, what really started my education, was it physics or was it metaphysics?

 Well, in 1974, Mom and Dad were moving with Dad's job, and were moving anywhere from months to a year, and I got left out when I started 1st grade totally illiterate and so I got put in the lowest of 3 readings groups in 1st grade, and Mom and Dad made cue cards to try to help me remember common words, and I still remember Dad getting upset that I could not remember "the" because I did not yet comprehend sounding out "th" and would get stuck trying to sound "t" and "h" separately, and he would get downright mad, but young 26 year old Dad, was never Mister Patience in those younger days. 

Eventually, I would learn phonics to sound out words, but reading Dick, Jane, and Spot and their verbal actions repetitively was getting me nowhere, and so I floundered in reading group ONE, until my Grandparents bought me a "How and Why Wonderbook of Dinosaurs" and then I was hooked, because I would aggressively use phonics to sound things out, would ask for the meaning of words, learned to use a dictionary to look up definitions, and I was literally like the kid in Jurassic Park who knew all the Latin translations for the names of the dinosaurs, and it also helped that "Land Of the Lost" was launched on Saturday Morning Cartoons, and so my imagination went wild, so it was my LOVE of learning about DInosaurs, the metaphysical, that launched my desire to learn MORE and MORE about my world, because prior to age 6, I had no idea how old the earth was, or that dinosaurs preceded man.

At the same time, my Mother was a heathen who hated God, because God never did anything for her growing up in an alcoholic home where she was abused and mistreated, and then abused and mistreated more when sent to the Christian Children's Home being a half-white half Native Alaskan child, and so even among the natives she was an outcast for being a half-breed.  Her alcoholic Father came to fetch her and her siblings as young teens to put to work with a new step-Mother, putting her brother to work on his fishing boat, but then he and their new step-Mother would go out drinking and waste all the money, leaving the children at home with nothing to eat.

So for Mom, he got an idea to make her work, but kicked her out of his home at age 16 after she ran away from a "babysitting job" she quickly found out was her father pimping her out to an old man who had no children at home to babysit!  A year later met and the next year married a young man from KY from a family of sharecroppers, who got drafted for Vietnam.  Dad grew up and began to attend the Church of the Nazarene, so when he tried to tell Mom how much he loved God, that did not go over well, because she hated God because God had done NOTHING for her.

However, Dad was having premonitions of his death and thought he would die in Vietnam, and so told Mom where to bury him, and to feel free to go on and re-marry if she fell in love.  Mom then had her own premonition a month before Dad died, where she was in outer darkness and saw a door of light, and could look inside seeing my Father surrounded by loved ones in Heaven, but she could not enter.  Two weeks after I am born, and the same day Dad's orders come in the mail at Ft. Richardson for him to leave for Vietnam, he is killed by a drunk driver.

Before the body is shipped to KY, Mom is invited by the Chaplin who married her and Dad just a year earlier for a Memorial Service at the base Chapel, and when Mom hears the scripture:

'Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality. '1 Corinthians 15:51-53

So realizing she could not go to Heaven in her vision before my Father's death, my Mother became a Christian that day at his Memorial Service.  Mom comes to KY for the funeral and while staying with her in-laws, she is depressed and does not want to live, and then she has a dream, and God tells her she is going to get married, and she can only see the sleeve of a soldier with many stripes down the arm, and she gets mad at God and says, "I'm not marrying an old man!" and God laughs at her, not making her any more happy.  However, months later when she got married to my step-Father, who returned after being shot 4 times in an ambush in Vietnam and sent to surgery in Japan and physical therapy at Ft. Knox in KY:  When they got married I was 1.5 years old, Dad was in his best uniform dress, and because he was in Vietnam he made rank quickly and as she is brought down the aisle, she sees his sleeves and they are full of stripes.  Now here is why God laughed at Mom.  Dad is 21 same as Mom, but he is 30 days younger than her.

So Dad being Roman Catholic doesn't read the bible and wants Mom to go to Church with him, despite her being in the Church of God, so she says yes, provided he will read his Bible to his children. So I grew up with a love of scripture and science, and for me what we learn in physics and science, is only a discovery of what God already knows.

I remember when I was 20 years old in College in 1988, and I had a vision, and I was in Heaven, and standing next to Jesus, but he was in the corner of my eye, so I couldn't fully see him, but definitely know he is to my right and standing about 3 feet away.  I am in this room of white, and in the room, there is a well, that is also white, and in the vision, I have a question about creation, about how it happened, and then when I look into the well, it is not a well of water, but a well of knowledge, and in an instant, I KNOW what God knows, and I lean my head back and start laughing because the answer is so simple, and I also feel God's joy not only in my laughter but also for his creation.

The joy is analogous to successfully having created a computer program that does what you want it to do, but it also involves the joy one experiences with a baby when it is born. When I wake up from the vision, my mind is no longer in Heaven and in perfect spiritual sync with the Holy Spirit, so it would be analogous to the fictional Captain Picard being disconnected from the Hive Mind of the Borg, and not having the collective's experience to draw from in Star Trek. Likewise, I can't remember the answer to my question after looking in the well. But what I always remember from the vision was the joy, and when in this sinful world, when I have been broken by life, death, and hardship, and feel like I just want to give up, the joy has become my strength to get me from today to tomorrow, when life seems devoid of joy itself.

Being a computer programmer, I realize you can't just randomize code and get a better program, in fact, the program will not get better but progressively worse, and that is why evolution as chaos to order makes no sense, because you can't randomize DNA to get better DNA, and so there is order, and I see that order as Divine in origin. Call it Alien if you have to, but in a Holographic Universe, made up of energy, given order to sustain life, it's not just physical and happened by chance, just as a Programmer has to create, so does a Creator of a Holographic Universe.  So don't think I have lost touch with reality, programs have to have upgrades to improve themselves, and it is true spiritually too.  I am not moving backwards, I am moving forward to the paradox where time will end where it began in Eternity, and the learning there will be just the beginning.

What you learn here in space-time in this universe is analogous to my first-grade experience of being in reading group ONE and stuck with Dick, Jane, and Spot examples, once I learned to read the "How and Why Wonder Book of Dinosaurs" I progressed past reading group 2 to reading group 3 with the advanced readers in my 1st-grade class. It's a paradox, but your learning here is only at an end, if you fail to walk and talk with the God who created you, to be born again, to gain a place in his Eternal House, where your learning is just a beginning, not an end. I'm not ending life with Dick, Jane, and Spot, no I am progressing towards an Eternity with the How and Why Wonderful Book of Life where I can learn so much more than a 3 lb brain can that is limited by space-time.

++++++++++ NOTES: The Holographic Universe and the Father of the Heavenly Lights . . . ++++++++++ How did NASA's trip to Mars with the Mariner 9 spacecraft in 1971 lead to the formation of the Shroud Of Turin Research Project?