Friday, December 24, 2021

What Advent Means To Me on Christmas Eve!

Found this in my FB memories from 10 years ago:

The Christmas Advent season is about celebrating Christ's birth, but also His return. These are my thoughts this Christmas Eve, before the First day of Christmas on December 25, and it's march towards the 12 days of Christmas that follow:

Comment from 10 years ago when I was 43 years young:

I don't find myself fearing Christ's return as some are tempted to do. No, as I look at the Nativity Ornament so plain and simple on my tree, just an Arch, with child like toy symbols of Mary and Joseph standing on each side of the manger - my heart breaks - my Heavenly Father came to Earth not just as a helpless child, but to the poorest of the poor - never living a life of wealth upon the earth himself - coming to grow up to be spit upon, to be beaten, to be flogged, to be crucified - and yet Adam's seed was that blind - it breaks my composure as a man, I am humbled and near tears like a teenager, not a 40 something man in midlife . . .

My hearts breaks at the tragedy of what should have been - he should have been welcomed, he should have been given a seat of honor - his entire time on the Earth with us should have been one of us worshiping Him the whole time - but it was not . . .

I stop and ponder - just 20 years ago it seemed as though there was plenty of time - as though life had an abundance of it - and I was not one to waste any of it purposely, no in many ways I gave of it not knowing the cost of it - but even so would I have done things differently? Where I did good, no . . . where I erred and stumbled - no, I had to err and stumble or there would have been no revelation of more sure footing, no revelation of a better way to walk - no, some wisdom can only come with time - as much as I would like to go back and do things differently, would I have simply stumbled in a different fashion? Would avoiding the painful lessons of life yield harder lessons and even harder pain?

No, life is not about works righteousness any way, it is about faith, especially faith in the Holy Spirit . . . comforter, counselor - neither adequate translations of PARCLATOS from the NT Greek - the word literally translates "the one who comes along side to help you walk" and the imagery is of a parents holding a toddler's hand, and helping them to walk . . . has there ever been a day in my life that I did not need the Holy Spirit to hold my hand and guide me to walk? No, there has never been day . . . there has never been a day that I have not needed to be born anew/again . . . no instead there have been spiritual toddler tantrums on my part . . . no let me walk, let me do it my way . . . and my way was painful, but there was that patient spiritual parent to take my foolish little temporal hands and offer to hold them again . . . to help pull from the mud and mire I had fallen into . . . to come along and clean anew - to sanctify yet once again - to make clean what I in my stubborness soiled so foolishly . . .

Every child has to learn to operate within their family . . . they have to learn the boundaries . . . they have to learn respect . . . they have to learn what great sacrifices they never knew were made for them so often in quiet humbleness . . . so quiet you would almost think the parent was keeping a secret . . . but no this was just the nature of the parent to love you so . . . for they look into your eyes and see their own soul reflected . . . it is not so easy to turn away such flesh and blood . . . no it should be impossible to do so.

Even when the child is walking without the hands so much holding them . . . they now learn anew to hold other hands . . . first a love . . . then an offspring . . . then to return to hold the hands that once held you now that they are old and weak . . .

The lessons of the Holy Spirit are around us, they surround us, their quiet witness once listened to is so loud, its like encountering quiet for the first time in weeks, months, or years, and now the quiet causes a ringing in your ears that is so loud you cannot quiet the quiet . . .

No, I am not terrified or afraid of my Saviors return . . . no instead I find myself worried . . . does my daily walk reflect back love, gratefulness, humility . . . is my love for my Savior real . . . or am I treating my God as something less than One who deserves worship . . .

As a teenager, when I felt the Spirit move upon me, I felt this was true worship . . . this doesn't get any better than this . . . and now in my midlife I am so humbled by the nail prints in the feet that walk before me . . . so humbled by the nail print and scarred hands that hold my weak temporal hands giving them balance, showing them how to be be born anew/again . . . how to let go of time . . . how to prepare to embrace Eternity where my real treasure lies . . .

The time is growing shorter and as it grows shorter am I found faithful? This is not about law keeping, this is not about works righteousness, this is not about anything I've ever done . . . it is about . . . "Have I been faithful? Have I really loved? Is my heart like my Father's? When his spiritual eyes look into mine, does he find any of himself there?"

This is what the Advent season has come to mean to me . . .

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Theories have limitations whether they are creationism or evolution.

 Theories have limitations whether they are creationism or evolution.

Many are raging over the series Cosmos, but being humans who observe our universe, which we can only see at the speed of light, gives us limitations (since there are aspects to the universe known and very possibly unknown that function at faster than the speed of light).

Below are a couple of copied blogs that I managed to import from My Space, since they deleted the blogs and then enabled users to download so they wouldn't get sued, but there is no longer an address for them.

I am working on creating one from my Earthlink webspace to recreate them, but even Earthlink is making it harder to access former webpages to update.  SO until I figure out the technical glitches to overcome, will re-post some thoughts to FB NOTES:


Subject KY Student Says Scientific Phenomena Proves God's Existence

A Western Kentucky University student claims that he has scientific proof that God spoke the world into existence, exactly as is written in the book of Genesis.

Samuel Hunt, 34, said he's documented his theory through a series of experiments compiled in his book "The Law of All That Is."

Hunt said through a phenomenon known as sonoluminescence, light is produced from bubbles when sound is passed through a liquid.

"I want to give Darwin an answer, the world an answer. Everything is contained in Genesis. Now there is mathematical proof that parallels everything in Genesis," Hunt said.

Professor of Psychics and Bio Psychics at WKU, Dr. Wieb Vandermeer, said Hunt's theory is interesting but he doesn't buy it.

"Sam Hunt claims that God created the world, but where does that take us - If God would be speaking every time there is light," Vamdermeer said.

Date Created 2/28/2007 2:45:00 AM

Posted Date 2/28/2007 2:29:00 AM


From an interesting discussion in Nashville.General:

Doug Smith

> On Tue, 27 Feb 2007 14:52:03 +0000, SpaceMan Spiff wrote:

 - an interesting theory!
> May not be entirely off the mark.  
> Einstein's famous theory states that energy is convertible to mass.  It
> also states that a simply unbelievable amount of energy would be required
> to create a universe worth of mass, but if one believes in an all-powerful
> God then one could certainly see where He would probably have that much
> energy!  
> The question is, whether when the Bible says that one day, He
> created the earth, do you believe it means He snapped his fingers and, in
> one of today's 24-hour days, it was all there - or do you believe He
> directed its creation through a sequence of events and a period of time
> much, much longer than a 2007 24-hour day?  (if the Earth wasn't rotating
> around its axis when it first came to being, is it not reasonable to
> believe a "day", as it existed then, could have been MUCH, MUCH longer
> than 24 modern hours?)  
> I believe evolution and creation are not mutually exclusive, and that God
> directed the former.

If you went to and talked to the Orthodox Jews in West Nashville, and 
asked them about the Genesis account, they would say, "Oh, you're 
talking about the book of Mysteries . . . you're not supposed to 
understand that!"  At least that's the response I got from a young man 
who used to work at a Convenient Store near Centennial Park.

Only Fundamentalists would argue for a literal 6 days of creation.  Most 
scholars hold that that a day is simply representative of a long epoch 
of time.  One of the reasonings for this, is you don't even have an 
evening and a morning until the 4th day, in the Genesis account.  Also, 
when in Genesis it speaks of the flood lasting 40 days and 40 nights, it 
is understood this is not literal, but rather a way of saying, "a long 

In the big bang theory, the Universe had all its present mass, but 
compressed to a space slightly bigger than a proton, just before the big 
bang.  So it would hold that a trigger, or even a voice, was needed to 
cause the bubble to expand.  When you think of data compression on your 
computer or zip files, this would be a fair analogy.  You can unzip a 
file to a space larger than it occupied, and have a program up and running 
on the OS.  In some cases, you can even unzip an OS to a Hard Drive.  If 
one thinks of the Universe in this fashion, then the theory becomes even 
more intriguing.  Then tie in quantum physics to where you are no longer 
  dealing with elements, but rather wavelengths of energy at the 
sub-atomic level, and all of a sudden Pythagoras' old notion that music 
best represented the structure of the universe, and realize that music 
and programming have much in common, well the theoretical conclusions 
just begin to get started.

A good read for much of this can be found at 

 - I 
loved listening to Michio Kaku on the Art Bell show, and as the 
co-founder of the string theory, it was enlightening for him to show how 
light is like a ripple on the pond and suggests the 5th dimension that 
exists out of the 4 dimensions that we already know.  When he begins to 
talk about more dimensions than 5, I then realize, someday, I need to 
follow in my little Brother footsteps, and go back to study in Math and 
Physics to really get a better picture.  However, since he's the 
Engineer in the family with an MS in Statistics from OSU, when a concept 
eludes my grasp, I usually talk to him.

                     Stupendous Man


PS> I am a member of the League of Stupendous Gentlemen! ;)

Subject Why Science can neither prove or disprove God's existence . . .
Date Created 3/12/2009 2:15:00 AM
Posted Date 3/12/2009 1:59:00 AM


Another forum debate leads to a great blog post:

 Matrix Caesar :
The soul does not exist. Reductive materialism is the only thing that makes sense.
 SpaceMan Spiff :
Are you sure about that?

Right now, everything science knows is limited by the speed of light. Christianity has always held that God is omnipresent. David Hume, in trying to prove the superiority of British Empiricism (what we today call the scientific method) over European rationalism, took British Empiricism to its logical ends and wound up with total skepticism.

He held that the weakness of observation of patterned events in nature is that you only needed one instance, where nature behaved once contrary to the pattern, to put the ground of certainty found in the scientific method into doubt. He held there was no such thing as absolute certainty, and it took Kant's response to bring us to where we are today. We make judgments about noumena (the thing as it really is), using phenomena (what we know via the 5 senses), and therefore are limited in knowledge (hence the reference to the video clips provided above for reference). Derrida is helpful here in that know/ledge is what you know on a ledge, hence there is always a limitation to knowledge, and it is why deconstructionists always argue against structuralists, in that even definitions are never concrete. You can never find the root of a definition without having to refer to another point of reference for further definition, ending in an unending spiral/circling of never being able to get to the true point of a definition.

For example, until the 20th century, it was a scientific fact that the atom couldn't be split, and by the end of the 19th century and the start of the 20th century, it was accepted that the Milky Way was the Universe. All those accepted scientific facts had to be rewritten in the later 20th Century, and new facts and new definitions emerged, proving David Hume's skepticism and challenge to absolute certainty, and thus Kant was right to say, only pure mathematics and physics have certainty because they are based in the mind, but when it comes to noumena, what we ultimately have is theoretical judgments.

Those judgments longest observed and judged to be true are accepted as fact, but those not yet proved, but plausible, remain theory. However, as the example with both the atom and the universe as long-held scientific facts, can be proven to be an inadequate theory with enough time, which was Hume's point.

If Christianity is right, which I must put forth as one of my assumed presuppositions, that God is omnipresent, then God is faster than the speed of light, and hence Science would not and could not have any evidence beyond that presented in the Shroud of Turin. NASA was frustrated with the Apollo missions, because radio waves sent at the speed of light, took 1.3 seconds to reach the moon, and then 1.3 seconds to return, thus not allowing instant communication like we enjoy (or actually appear to enjoy, thanks to relays and delays - always fun at the call center to hear my voice on speakerphone and delayed on the customer's end) here on Earth. It takes 44 minutes for that same signal to reach a probe on Mars and then return. If the Sun were to go out, it would take us 8 minutes here on Earth to realize the Sun was no more. The light you see from the Milky Way at night, is actually the Milky Way as it was 26 million years ago; the light you see at night, whether with your eyes or a powerful telescope, is not the Galaxy as it is, but as it was.

For such a small finite mind, you are too sure of your assumptions, and could use a little more faith! (See Video 3 to playback in comments below from FB)  

++++++++++ Original NOTE/BLOG from May 5, 2014 along with comments can be found at: - I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them.


Has Science Discovered God? - +++++++++++++++ Believe in God in 5 Minutes (Scientific Proof) - +++++++++++++++ If God created the Universe then who created God? - Best Answer Pt.1 -

+++++++++++++++ In the beginning God or Big Bang? - Best Answer Pt.2 - +++++++++++++++ Kent Hovind wins debate against bill nye (Short Creation Debate) +++++++++++++++ The Holographic Universe and the Father of the Heavenly Lights . . .

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Remember Zuckerberg’s long tireless SJW crusade in 2007 & 2008 stopping Fake News? How about 2012 on Benghazi?

 Remember Zuckerberg’s long tireless SJW crusade in 2007 & 2008 stopping Fake News? How about 2012 on Benghazi? 

I have a friend who has a group he created years ago and it has 5 members and was a CLOSED GROUP and Facebook changed to PRIVATE, but Facebook sends him a notice about #FakeNews:

Horatio Piper shared a post.

1 hr

Please let me know if you know anything about this. What is the deal with the article about Bill Clinton separating families? That's not the kind of thing that I would post and I have no memory of it.

Horatio Piper

1 hr

I got a fb letter on here just now saying that we flagged this content as false. It wasn't something that I ever posted. I have no conscious memory of it and it doesn't look like the kind of thing that I would post. They then changed the group, "Mitchell's Trevecca Era Aquaintenances," from closed to private. They never gave me any notice or forewarning. Furthermore, apparently, I cannot post anything in my group, the group that I created and manage. This is exactly the kind of abuse that I get from Facebook all of the damn time and I don't know why. I also don't know if one of the members of that group initiated this.

Horatio Piper I need to hear from you David Smith and Randy Pedigo and Mark Hall and George Walter Bratcher III. The kind of article they flagged is the kind of article that George Walter Bratcher III frequently traffics in. I know nothing about it.

So I replied:

Since Lame Stream Media wasn't going to expose his #LIES when he was running for President because he was black excusing his BAD CHARACTER, they sure as HELL were not going to cover the Benghazi LIES or FISA Gate Scandals under his administration -

Remember back when Facebook hired George Soros sponsored Fact-Checked sites to stop Obama from LYING on the campaign trail and to go after every Hope and Change Supporter when they reposted his lies and lies about the Tea Party and Republicans, remember when Facebook did that in 2007 and 2008? 2009? 2010? 2011? Or remember when they flagged in 2012 for ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, & MSNBC for reporting that a YouTube Video caused Benghazi and shut down their pages and suspended them or deleted them? Remember when Facebook administrators did that because Mark Zuckerberg was a tireless SJW?

No, they didn't in fact #Zuckerberg was HAPPY they helped get Obama elected and remember when they didn't sell, but GAVE user data to the Obama campaign to help leverage them a win in 2008?

But when Facebook SOLD user data to Cambridge Analytica and Brexit happened, well, that was a step too far!

Basically, Facebook is MAD that 63 million Trump supporters elected Trump and helped cheerlead on his election in 2016, because that was not supposed to happen, Hillary was supposed to win!

So don't feel bad, they have been putting my FB friend, Al Thompson, into Facebook jail because of links and pics and memes he posted SIX YEARS AGO! He no sooner gets out of jail than some zealous basement troll working for George Soros' Media Matters does a search on his page and dings something else he posted years ago and reports it and he is RIGHT BACK into FB jail.

So you are not alone Joe, it's a witch hunt out there on anyone who supported Trump or said something unfavorable about slick WIlly or B.O. on Facebook!

It is why they dropped $130 billion in value in 2018 (

) and saw sightly lower registration but also declining use, and nothing declines use of your format & platform on Social Media like persecuting 63 million Trump supporters so they quit using your format.

I am far more active on Twitter than on Facebook these days.

Now, remember when Clinton killed all those kids at Waco and Elian Gonzalez was taken from his Mother's family in exile in Florida and sent back to his Father in Cuba? Well, now Politifact and Snopes are telling Facebook this is #FakeNews and so you should be punished if you share any editorial opinions from any conservative pages telling the truth because it's not the truth, I mean to #Facebook it is basically NOT the same truth as Clinton saying "I didn't have any sexual relations with that woman" because it all depends upon "what is, is" and so Facebook admins now say you must be punished for posting bad news about Slick Willy, cause he didn't separate any kids from their families at Waco by murdering them with the FBI, and technically, sending Elian Gonzalez back to communist Cuba to be with his Daddy wasn't really separating him from his Mamma's family in Florida, because nothing says "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" by sending the FBI in guns blazing to remove him from his family in Florida and return him to Cuba!

So BOW DOWN Joseph Mitchell, and LICK #Zuckerberg's #Progressive LEFT COAST's boot, and tell Facebook you are sorry someone in your group dared to share an unfavorable editorial on #SlickWilly that cost #Hillary the election she was entitled to in 2016!

Original NOTE/BLOG from May  5, 2018, along with comments can be found at: I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them. 

Some migrated comments from FB Notes:
Since Lame Stream Media wasn't going to expose his #LIES when he was running for President because he was black excusing his BAD CHARACTER, they sure as HELL were not going to cover the Benghazi LIES or FISA Gate Scandals under his administration - 

Project Veritas catches the #CaliforniaCommunists at #Facebook red-handed targeting Conservatives & Trump Supporters!
#ProgressiveCommunists #FakeNews #TechTyranny #LeftHanded #Millennials #RedPilled

The #CaliforniaCommunists at Facebook have gone HOG WILD with their Chinse-inspired social credit media, even censoring what we say in Private Messages!
I'm so GLAD back in the day, I did not make my primary email!
Messenger is supposed to be just that "PRIVATE" and yet they have censored and removed material from group and private conversations in Messenger!
Now they go into private groups to censor there too! Zuckerberg LEFTARDS are deeply afraid of what you have to say to one another, even in private groups of less than 20 and group conversations in Messenger with less than 10 people!
That is how much 63 million voters putting Trump into office in 2016 have driven them so mad that they don't control the platform they USED to get Obama elected in 2008!