Thursday, November 26, 2020

How did NASA's trip to Mars with the Mariner 9 spacecraft in 1971 lead to the formation of the Shroud Of Turin Research Project?

 How did NASA’s trip to Mars with the Mariner 9 satellite in 1971 lead to the formation of the Shroud of Turin Research Project?

How did NASA going to Mars with the Mariner 9 satellite in 1971 lead to the formation of the Shroud of Turin Research Project later in 1978? This project in 1978 would attract 38 skeptical American scientists on the team of 40 (with only two Christians), who thought they'd prove it a hoax within a week's time, but leading to all the scientists, even a Jewish man on the team, all coming to faith in Jesus after the days that folowed studying the Shroud of Turin. Barrie M. Schwortz, the Jewish photographer who almost dropped from the project, but then was convinced to stay on, took the longest. 20 years after reviewing all the data from the 1978 project Barrie M. Schwortz came to believe the image on the cloth was Jesus of Nazareth and the lifelong Orthodox Jew became a Christian.

This would also lead to not only to The Fabric of Time video in 2005 -, but in 2010, Ray Downing would recreate that 3D image using 21st-century computers to extract a 2D instruction set on the 2D surface of the Shroud of Turin to replicate a 3D image of the body of Christ on the History Channel: "The Real Face of Jesus From the Shroud of Turin" -

Then in 2007, the Star of Bethlehem documentary would be released showing that the Magi not only found Christ as a toddler on December 25, 2 BC and the star being commemorated on Romans coins of the day, but that his death following astronomical events of his time (a blood moon) was on April 3, 33 AD and matches an Earthquake recorded on the same date - The Star Of Bethlehem 2007 Documentary and is in line with coins found on the image of the Shroud of Turin that were only minted in Jerusalem from 29-33AD, and that have a spelling error on them that matches coins preserved in archeology from antiquity - Coins Covering The Eyes - Shroud of Turin

Atheism is a movement in decline, has been since the 1970s. The only reason you hear about it in the news is because enough old rich white baby boomers from the counterculture have money to put into it and into the courtrooms. In another 40 years, it will be less relevant than it is now.

Sin means "without," without God specifically, so when Jesus told a sinner to go and sin no more he was really saying, "Go and be without God no more" (avoid Adam and Eve's mistake of thinking they could cast conversation with the creator to the wayside).

Just deal with the facts of history. The VP8 image analyzer was developed to measure the X-rays to get more information along with the possible use of imaging the terrain of Mars from maps in black in white to be able to measure distance information so they would know safely where to land the Viking probes in 1976.

An air force Captain took a photo of the negative of the Shroud of Turin in black and white, which yielded a positive image for Secondo Pia when he first photographed it on May 28, 1898, giving the world the first positive image of Christ received from the Shroud on the negative film strip. Photography was not invented until 1839 and the negative also shows X-ray images on the hands, which was not invented until 1895. The air force Captain’s actions attracted members of the Jet Propulsion Labs in connection with NASA.

When run under the VP8 image analyzer, it generated a 3D image in 1975, which no standard photograph does, and that launched the Shroud of Turin Research Project or STURP in 1978 and led later to the first 3D image yielded from Dutch labs in 2005 as documented in the Fabric of Time, and then Ray Downing's extraction of a full 3D image for the History Channel from 2D surface on the Shroud which yielded an instruction set for creating his 3D image using 21st-century computers in 2010.

The Shroud of Turin has a 3 to 1 herringbone twill pattern weave typical of the first century and burial cloths from Masada which date to the 1st century are constructed and made the same way. This pattern was not used by the more advanced loom and weaving technology of the middle ages, so the fabric itself dates to the 1st century. -

In 2002, a team of experts did restoration work, such as removing the patches from 1534 and replacing the backing cloth. One of the specialists was Swiss textile historian Mechthild Flury-Lemberg. She was surprised to find a peculiar stitching pattern in the seam of one long side of the Shroud, where a three-inch wide strip of the same original fabric was sewn onto a larger segment.

The stitching pattern, which she says was the work of a professional, is quite similar to the hem of a cloth found in the tombs of the Jewish fortress of Masada. The Masada cloth dates to between 40 BC and 73 AD.

This kind of stitch has never been found in Medieval Europe. -

The image on the Shroud of Turin is a 3D image, and 3D images can only be replicated on surfaces using a laser. There were no lasers in the 1st century, -

Because of threads taken from a rewoven patch were composed of cotton, not flax, which the Shroud of Turin is spun from, and which was dyed to match the color of the original color of the cloth in 1988, a radiocarbon dating of a medieval origin was falsely concluded and is often used to argue that the Shroud of Turin is a forgery or fake. However, the tests in 2005 at Los Alamos labs by Raymond Rogers revealed the medieval repair patch. Vanillin found in flax is not present on the Shroud of Turin. "The fact that vanillin cannot be detected in the lignin on shroud fibers, Dead Sea scrolls linen, and other very old linens indicates that the shroud is quite old," Mr. Rogers writes.

"A determination of the kinetics of vanillin loss suggests the shroud is between 1,300 and 3,000 years old." -

This is all fact, and none of it is a myth.

The 3D quantum hologram on the surface of the Shroud of Turin is only pointing to the Holographic Universe Science is now finding exists that we live in since everything is made up of energy/light.

The Holographic Universe and the Father of the Heavenly Lights . . .

The light and matter in the universe is measured data, and quite ironically you are using digital information to post on this comment that travels via light from your PC to the server, from which our PC's are receiving the signal and producing it as letters in form of light on our monitors that our eyes can see.

So not only are your rights from God, so is the sunlight you see by and the oxygen you breathe by. Everything belongs to the creator, it's just on loan to us, and one day when time ends where it began in Eternity, everyone will have to give an account of how they managed what they were blessed with in life. How will you measure up?

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