Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Do we all have the same God?

 Do we all have the same God?

Another NOTE created regarding a conversation - 

https://www.facebook.com/becky.winchester1/posts/10201835614793170 and to save space there in order to not crowd the page there:

"A couple of young men came to my door today while I was fixing eggs in my kitchen . . ." - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr1mMXR4zLw&feature=share&list=PLOqiEYwhz4FRDbmvgxXu1lLrhpGt7iJWZ - Carman, "God God God"

There is only one name under Heaven by which you may be saved.  Jehovah Witnesses believe Jesus was simply an exalted man, and not God - if He is not God then there is no forgiveness for sins, and then Yahweh does not come as Yeshua/Jesus (Yahweh is Salvation) and die to fulfill the covenant He made with Abraham in Genesis 15, and so there is no fulfillment of the OT Covenant, so there is no forgiveness of sins. (Why did Jesus have to come and die? - "There is holy and then there is Holy" - 


Young Men in the Middle East can be heard to repeatedly saying, "Allahu Akbar" and the MSM and uneducated liberals when it comes to Islam will tell you this means "God is great" but it really translates "Allah is the greatest God - greater than Yahweh/Yeshua" and they accuse Christians of believing in Polytheism, not understanding that in the Trinity, it's all God and God is ONE.

Mormons are not unlike Jehovah Witnesses, in that Christ was simply the eldest of God's spiritual children who were later given bodies - in other words, all of us existed before our parents gave us birth - this is not Christian and reduces Jesus to a glorified Man and not ONE with the Father as he says he is in John's Gospel.

Jews don't believe Jesus is Yahweh either; in Jesus' day if you said "Yahweh" you were to be stoned because the name is so sacred.  In my Hebrew Class in graduate school, we followed the Jewish tradition of saying "Adonai" instead of "Yahweh" because the name was too sacred to be spoken when we read the sacred scriptures from the Torah, Prophets, or Writings (OT).  Yet this is exactly  what Jesus said in John's Gospel:

57 “You are not yet fifty years old,” they said to him, “and you have seen Abraham!” 58 “Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, I am!” 59 At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds. - John 8 NIV; http://bible.us/111/jhn.8.57-59.niv

Earlier in Johns Gospel in chapter 6 Jesus comes to the disciples walking on the water and says, "Don't be afraid, Ego Emi - NT Greek for "I am" - translated in most Gospels, "It is I" - but the Hebrew equivalent is still "Yahweh" - of course no disciple dares suggests they should "stone him" for uttering the "sacred name" and realizing "who" He really is has to have had a deep impression besides taking away their fear when he speaks to them.

For more on the ONESS of Yahweh/Yeshua please see: "Baptism In Jesus' Name - A Fresh Look" -  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mlv0NahAzY&feature=share&list=PL832E8FCCDF6970EE

The problem with Jehovah's Witnesses, Muslims, Mormons, and Jews is their theology proceeds from works righteousness.  If works could have saved us, then Jesus never needed to come and die, because we would have been able to keep the law of Moses and never break it.

Works can never be righteousness, but they are a sign as to how healthy the relationship with God is. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit. I Corinthians 13:4-8 (https://my.bible.com/bible/111/1CO.13.4-8). Everywhere "Love" is in these verses, put your name and see how you measure up. If you bear this kind of fruit in your life, no one can say it is bad, or that your relationship with God is not real.

The danger of the above mentioned "religions" is that works righteousness is ultimately idolatrous - you are your own god and will define what is "right" and "wrong" and you are at the Center, God is not - this was Adam and Eve's original sin - that they would be like God instead of letting God be God, since Yahweh translates "I am going to be who I am going to be"! You have to be very careful in saying we all worship the same God, for Anton Levay, who founded the Church of Satan, said Satanism is not about worshiping Satan, but rather self, and make no mistakes works righteousness is idolatrous and ultimately a worship of "self" and not Yahweh.

Rena you may have thought of only Christian Churches when making your comment, but I would still measure any Church by the fruit they bear, and whether or not the salt gets out of the salt shaker or not, for the Church is not the institution or the building we meet in, but we are a priesthood of believers as I Peter 2:4-10 (https://www.bible.com/bible/111/1pe.2.4-10.niv) says, so "we the redeemed people of Yahweh" are the Church where ever we go, but we still gather once a week to Worship and to remember the "Sabbath" so we might have the rest we need so  we can make sure we are in one accord in fellowship, and listening to our Father God in Yahweh/Yeshua.


Original NOTE/BLOG along with comments can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/notes/10224341664398294/ - I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them.

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