Sunday, June 6, 2021

The Holographic Universe and the Father of the Heavenly Lights . . .

 The Holographic Universe and the Father of the Heavenly Lights . . .

I had created this response in several parts for a friend on his page, but it seemed appropriate to combine into a "whole" regarding the conversation currently ongoing on Craig Keen's page right now - 

and put into the form of a NOTE:

"I had a friend who was raised Catholic, and then became agnostic until he saw The Matrix. He then began to believe in God again, and in 1999, he came to work for the State of TN in Mainframe Computer Operations. Every day we went to lunch together, and he would ask me questions.  He then asked me, how could Jesus and God be one? I then said, to him,"Remember in the Matrix, when Neo was plugged into it, and yet was on the ship?" I then asked, "Was Neo two people while plugged into the Matrix or one?" He said, "One" and then I said, "Now you understand how God in Eternity could enter Space-Time as Jesus, and yet still be one?" To understand the Holy Spirit’s Role in analogy to the Matrix think of the programming that kept Neo’s mind in sync with the Matrix! The Holy Spirit, is that Holy Creative Energy which gives life from God to man and all creation, just as Sun Light gives life to all that is on Earth." - from -

Georges Henri Joseph Éduard Lemaître(July 17, 1894– June 20, 1966) was a Belgian Roman Catholic priest, honorary prelate, professor of physics and astronomer at the Université catholique de Louvain. He sometimes used the titleAbbé or Monsignor. 

Lemaître proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe, which he called his 'hypothesis of the primeval atom' (; see also - "Scientists can’t believe in God? -

Joseph Lemaître, as he is more commonly known, based his work upon his interpretation of the data yielded from Einstein's"Theory Of Relativity" and yet Einstein did not believe the Universe was expanding, he believed it to be in a static state. He did not accept Lemaître's conclusions, but later data from telescopes and later satellites would prove indeed the universe was expanding, and it had a point of origin - a beginning - and Lemaître also based this upon his understanding of Genesis.

Now Stephen Hawking is finding himself in Einstein's shoes, for his latest theories being studied by other colleagues in his field, have them concluding that the universe is a hologram -

And initial tests are being developed to take this theory and hypothesis and bring it to fact - "World’s Most PreciseClocks Could Reveal Universe Is a Hologram" -

Stephen may very well find himself in Einstein’s shoes not believing what his own theories yield in conclusion, only to later have science prove it. For certain, Stephen Hawking could not have accomplished the work of his lifetime had science rejected Lemaître, and stood behind Einstein instead despite the evidence later tests and research would yield as technology grew.

Stephen may very well find, there is not real darkness, that everything is made up of energy, but then again Jesus warns that if the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness (, bringing us back to metaphysics as physics must always do and yield in the end.

If not (physics only wanting to deal with physical existence and not being, hence metaphysics), it winds up sounding arrogant and spoiled, a brat that refuses to talk with the rest of the classmates, simply because he (metaphorically speaking of physics as a science and a physicist as a scientist who is also a student of the observation of space-time) isn't getting his way.

But the larger audience of the scientific community is not stopping to consider, that they already have a 3D quantum hologram here on Earth, that points to the holographic universe Stephen Hawking's theories are leading to -

 17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. - James 1 NIV;

Original NOTE/BLOG from May 5, 2014 along with comments can be found at: - I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them.


Some migrated comments from FB Notes:

There is holy and then there is Holy! -

+++++++++++++++ "This case has dealt with metaphysics, with questions best left to Saints and Philosophers . . ." - +++++++++++++++ Evolution vs. God - +++++++++++++++ Physics breakthrough: Is the universe a giant hologram?

Brian Greene and Leonard Susskind - Holographic Principle

+++++++++++++++  12 I have spoken to you of earthly things and you do not believe; how then will you believe if I speak of heavenly things?" - John 3 NIV; +++++++++++++++ Bethlehem Star +++++++++++++++ Believe in God in 5 Minutes (Scientific Proof) - MIT Physicist Dr. Gerald Schroeder offers proof god exists and explains how, as a scientist, he believes in god. Schroeder explores scientific proof of god using the Big Bang theory and quantum theory. Dr. Schroeder is a scientist with over thirty years of experience in research and teaching. He earned his Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctorate degrees all at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with his doctorate thesis being under the supervision of physics professor Robley D. Evans. This was followed by five years on the staff of the MIT physics department prior to moving to Israel, where he joined the Weizmann Institute of Science and then the Volcani Research Institute, while also having a laboratory at The Hebrew University. His Doctorate is in two fields: Earth sciences and physics. +++++++++++++++ 
The Terrifying Message within DNA! -

Mutations within Mitochondrial DNA only happen every 800 years, not 12,000 years, and so Mitochondrial Eve is not 120,000-200,000 years old, but only 6,000 years old, fitting the Biblical timeframe, not what evolutional theory has proposed, and so biological fact now TRUMPS failed theory. +++++++++++++++ 
Known scientist Found message to the top layer of DNA.Shocking!!! evidence. -

At the top layer of the DNA code, corresponding to numerology related to numbers in the most ancient of languages across the linguistic spectrum, we get the message, "The Eternal God Within" and so who WROTE that into our DNA? I suggest checking out Greg Braden's "The God Code" to read if you want to know more about what he found in correlation between the most ancient of languages and the code hidden within our DNA.(1)
(1) New York Times best-selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science, spirituality and the real world! Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist during the 1970’s energy crisis, he worked as a Senior Liaison with the U.S. Air Force Space Command.

In 1991 he became The First Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems. Since 1986 Gregg has explored high mountain villages, remote monasteries, and forgotten texts to merge their timeless secrets with the best science of today. His discoveries have led to 11 award-winning books published in 38 languages. Gregg has received numerous honors for his work including a 2015 nomination for the prestigious Templeton Award. He’s shared his presentations and trainings with The United Nations, Fortune 500 companies, the U. S. military and is now featured in media specials airing on major networks throughout North and South America, Mexico and Europe.

How did NASA’s trip to Mars with the Mariner 9 satellite in 1971 lead to the formation of the Shroud of Turin Research Project? - +++++++++++++++ 
Has Science Discovered God? - +++++++++++++++ 
If God created the Universe then who created God? - Best Answer Pt.1 -


I love the part where Kent Hovind asks him which of the six theories of evolution he believes in, as well as pointing out that evolution is touted as science when it is essentially a religion with its own belief system!


  1. I enjoyed it. I'm very scatter brained and can't comment right. I wouldn't worry about these things. The antenicene fathers and earliest Jesus sects held differing views all not remotely post Nicene at all. They weren't with the Trinity and the person and work of Jesus Christ as a post Nicene and the Ebionites don't believe in the virgin birth and they are remarkably Jewish. So if you believe in God fine and if you don't fine. I found out recently the Jews have been universalist several thousand years and don't hold to ET- "eternal torment." Their views regarding Satan and demons are also different. I am reading a couple Stephen Hawking books. I saw quickly huge holes and questions. I have for years been holding ancient global views like infinite universe theory, many worlds hypothesis, and oscillating bubble universe. I got on line and quickly discovered that there are still a handful of reputable scientists holding these views. I also found two people I like. I think the main one was Paul Steinhardt professor at this prestigious school and his partner I believe was Neil Turoq? I can't remember well. Yes Facebook will delete your stuff out. Check your photos. They will evict you from your own groups. Check that too. I found the most efficient way to get at your notes if you need. This phone won't. You'll need marketable gear to fool with. But it's a three click easy deal.

    1. I guess we will have to talk here if you are willing Joe. You started several conversations on FB Messenger, but after Javier posted something from the Bible, you blocked him and I, so since I was blocked, I deleted the conversations I could not reply to.

      IF posts from the Bible bother you that much emotionally, you need to search your soul, and find out WHY! Because if I was and could be truly an atheist, I would be very logical as a Vulcan, not letting emotions bother me, and I would not bother to allow something not based in sound reasoning or logic disturb me emotionally at all. I would ignore it much like a child seeking to insult me using baby talk and not having an adult tongue full of real insults.

      So, if you have not a soul, then why is it bothered? But if your soul is bothered, then you need to seek out why!

      Go to YouVersion and download the app and get on a Read The Bible in a Year Program and seek God's voice as you read and pray, otherwise if you have no soul to disturb, why get overly emotional?

      I can tell you this from personal experience, I tried going the all logical no emotional route to spare myself pain in my youth at one point and all I found was emptiness and void and depression soon followed and I could not stay there, I had to talk to God, I needed to heal so I could have a healthy emotional balance.
