Friday, September 17, 2021

So the Democrats in the House want to review Trump’s Taxes?

 So the Democrats in the House want to review Trump’s Taxes?

In reply to a post on another page - I made the following reply:

George Walter Bratcher III Nancy and the Democrats never READ Obamacare to see what was in the tax they said was not and a mandate, had to pass it to find out what is in it, and now they tell us they are competent to review Trump's taxes when they have already been audited by IRS tax professionals? What a bunch of LOSERS!

The following reply was made:

Charles Hanby You make absolutely no sense, what does what they did with the affordable care act have to do with Trump's taxes, and do you have inside info with the IRS . The audit or anything that the leaders of the country have? I know that I don't so maybe you could educate me with some facts.

So I replied to the comment with the following:

George Walter Bratcher III Obama care was a tax written NOT by Nancy and her Democrats who controlled the House until 2010, but by George Soros' Apollo Alliance 501c Group, the same bunch that wrote TARP, so since Nancy and her fellow Democrats that Lobbyist who live in the 7 counties surrounding Washington, DC where 50% of the 1% (millionaires or greater in wealth) exist and who pay $12 million per election to put Nancy and her fellow Democrats into office for a salary that pays $147,000 a year:

So even though the Lobbyist in the 7 counties surrounding Washington, DC gifted $12 million dollars to put them back into office every election, and get paid $147,000 a year, Nancy and the Democrats DO NOT WRITE the budgets and taxes, which the HOUSE controls.

This is why Nancy said they had to pass Obamacare to see what was in it, because the Democrats in the HOUSE did not do their HOMEWORK or JOB for that matter, and neither did the Democrats controlling the Senate when they held the majority in both houses of Congress.

So tell me, Charles Hanby and Charles Owens, how are they MORE qualified than the IRS already auditing them to review Trump's taxes when they DON’T even write taxes, they simply pass what the Lobbyist 501c's like the Apollo Alliance write and then hand off to them to pass?

So they can't even do the job the Lobbyist spend $12 million to re-elect them or the $147,000 they are paid in salary?

This really needs to be addressed by a FUTURE Convention of States to not only FORCE Congress to pass a balanced budget amendment, term limits, not counting illegal aliens on the census to count towards additional House seats and to STOP Congress from using 501c groups to write budgets and tax codes, and for Congress to do the job themselves, and if they cannot do the job we send them there to do, then the legislative body needs the power to FIRE them and call for a new election from someone competent to do the job they are sent there to do!

Nancy Pelosi FESSED UP to the FACT, that Congress DOES NOT DO ITS JOB when she said they had to PASS Obamacare to see what is in it, when by definition in the US Constitution IT IS THE JOB OF THE HOUSE, not even the Senate, although they can modify and send back to the House for resolution before being signed by the President or vetoed!

Plus with Obamacare, the Democrats said it was not a tax, but a mandate, but when it went before the Supreme Court, Obama's Lawyers from the White House argued it was a tax, and so therefore Constitutional, but they did not follow the procedure in the Constitution to send it BACK to the HOUSE for resolution because they passed it as a mandate!

So again, tell me why Democrats who CANNOT FOLLOW the US Constitution nor DO THEIR JOBS when it comes to drafting budgets and taxes are COMPETENT to review Donald J. Trump's taxes?

The Democrats in Congress are not, they will simply give them to a 501c group to pick through and then tell them what the 501c Lobbyist group thinks is wrong!

And the FUNNY thing is EVERY TAX BREAK Donald takes was WRITTEN by Lobbyists for Democrats to PASS in the HOUSE to help out the 1%, not just Donald Trump! Look at all the MILLIONAIRES in the Congress and in the 7 Counties surrounding Washington, DC! They have ALL TAKEN THE SAME TAX BREAKS, they are now MAD at Donald J. Trump for taking that THE LOBBYIST WROTE and the Democrats MADE legal by passing them in the House for a past President to sign!


Original NOTE/BLOG from May 5, 2019 along with comments can be found at: - I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them.


Some migrated comments from FB Notes:

Boomtown-Meet Washington, D.C.'s New Aristocracy- Lobbyists -

+++++++++++++++ Trump's tax returns are already being audited by the IRS and don't tell me Pelosi and the idiots in Congress can understand his taxes when they didn't know what was in the Obamacare tax and had to pass it to find out what is in it.

IRS audits are a matter of you and the Government, going over your taxes, accountants and lawyers arguing what is owed and not owed, in a court of law if necessary, and then settling the tab. Sometimes you owe and sometimes you don't.

I've been though an audit before when an accountant made an error on my taxes, after that I made sure to do them myself. The IRS agent and I set up a payment plan until I paid in full what the IRS was owed, and then it was over with, because it was an accounting error, it was not criminal deceit.

If it is, they can take you before the court, and if a jury concurs, then you have jail time on top of what you owe.

You mainly go to jail when you just outright refuse to work with the IRS to pay them back when that judgment is reached.

After Bill O'Reilly criticized Clinton, the IRS audited him every year thereafter.

The Deep State has probably had it set up for the IRS to audit Trump every year since he changed his voter registration from Democrat to Republican!

Trump's lawyers told him to not turn over the tax returns while he was being audited. Because then the press takes accounting errors and turns them into criminal intent, and it is bad press. But the press doesn't care when it is Charlie Wrangle or when 36 Obama aides owed $833,000 in back taxes

But you will NEVER hear the MSM accuse them of criminal intent on what is accounting errors, but they will do so with Trump because he is a Republican and not a Democrat. +++++++++++++++ Article V of the U.S. Constitution gives states the power to call a Convention of States to propose amendments. It takes 34 states to call the convention and 38 to ratify any amendments that are proposed. Our convention would only allow the states to discuss amendments that, “limit the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, impose fiscal restraints, and place term limits on federal officials.”

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