Sunday, October 25, 2020

Why works righteousness just fails and fails badly, given recent examples of it!

 Post originally created in 2016:

The Topic of Law and Legalism came up in the Christian Bloggers Group today - I made some initial replies, but then had this reply to this later comment in the conversation: Gary Robokoff Romans 14:1-23 As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions. One person believes he may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables. Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him. Who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the Lord is able to make him stand. One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. ... My REPLY was:
This also becomes cultural. I remember some Christian Churches in Switzerland once upon a time were against drinking Coca Cola because of the phrase "Coke is it!" believing the phrase to be idolatrous. Then my friends in college had a brother in Swaziland South Africa where the Native women went topless, but if his missionary brother's wife were to wear a pair of pants, in that culture only prostitutes wore pants, so the missionary's wife could have gone topless in that culture offending no one, but a pair of pants would brand her a prostitute. Then I attended the Church of the Nazarene and was a member from 1978-2002, until I became a Church of God associate Pastor and now currently a member of the local Baptist Church. Nazarenes like other holiness and Pentecostal Churches often had special rules that again were cultural. Early Holiness Churches had admonition against their members smoking, drinking alcohol, dancing, wearing jewelry, and makeup and women were not allowed to cut their hair. In time the stance against makeup changed in most holiness Churches, and the problem was in early America, it was expensive and only prostitutes wore it, much like they wear pants in South Africa. However, industrious traders and makers of make up for women soon, made it cheaper, so the common house wife could afford it, and early catalogs and salesmen soon began selling it house to house, not just to the wealthy who could afford it, and jewelry too became cheaper. In Western Society, very few Churches will judge women for wearing make up, jewelry, or for cutting their hair. Then the problem becomes works righteousness, for many preachers who lived during the days of no makeup, no jewelry, no long hairs for their wives, then turned around and elected Bill Clinton not once, but TWICE to office. See they ignored his infidelity and affairs and bad business practices because they were upset with George Bush 41 for going to war in the Middle East (and stopping Saddam Hussein from finishing his atomic bomb), and so they called him a murdering warmonger, and elected Bill Clinton in his place because Bill's righteousness was so much better than Bush. Then Bill went and had the FBI slaughter people at Waco, and did away with decency standards on TV, and allowed pornographic video stores and Girls Gone Wild videos to be shown at 9pm EST on the TV, and they still voted for him a second time, and then later we would learn about Monica Lewinsky and the validated claims of the women who said they were harassed and raped by Bill, but hey those Preachers stopped that murderous George Bush from having a second term and making sure Clinton stayed in office a second term because his righteousness was so much better than Bush 41. Then we learned while Bill was distracted by the affair with Monica, he passed on the Sudanese offer in 1996 to hand over Osama Bid Laden and al-Qaeda saying he had no justification when the WTC was attacked by al-Qaeda in 1993 and we had the Black Hawk Down incident in Somalia in 1993 at the same time, and that led to 9/11. As Christians, we do not want to be under law, for the penalty for breaking the OT Covenant is death, with no redemption. As perfect as we may try to walk, such as those Holiness Preachers from the days of no makeup, jewelry, or long hair for their wives, they really messed up in voting in Bill Clinton and dismissing his unrepentant sinful nature, and they brought about great sin by bringing pornography onto the TV screen later at night, making it harder for young Christian men to have to live under that they never had in their youth. The results have been disastrous with 128 STDs, 1 in 3 Americans with an STD according to our own CDC, 1% of homosexuals causing 83% of syphilis cases in this country, and on and on, and on. Yet these same preachers want to condemn anyone voting for Trump when James Dobson says he is a baby Christian who has just come to faith in the recent past, and so they kick the wounded while they are down instead of helping them up. paraclatos/parakletos - counselor/comforter are poor translations - NT GREEK - One who comes alongside to help - the imagery is of a parent holding a toddler's hand and helping their child learn to walk. This is what Jesus promised grown men he chose as his disciples when he promised he would not leave them as orphans. We have to praise Jesus for the New Covenant of Grace, so we can come before God when we stumble and mess up, and learn to walk anew day by day. The Holy Spirit does not kick the wounded toddler of time that is born anew of the Spirit, but when that child falls, it seeks to pick them back up, provided that child has enough humility to admit its righteousness is but filthy rags and to take the hand of the great Heavenly Parent who can pick the child up and clean them up too, and learn once again to walk anew, be born anew, and this is a daily task. None of us are at completion.


  1. Life Can Begin Again, is actually the title of a great book by Helmut Thielecke, but I find that as a Christian, Christ said, "You must be born again" and what many people don't realize about that passage, is that in the Greek it is Future Perfect Active Imperative Indicative. So in case you were asleep in Senior HS English, what that means, is not only is the command for right now, but it is something that must happen again, and again, and again. This is something that must happen on a daily basis. I have to die to "self as God" (the very nature of sin), and be born anew or again in Christ's image. Since Jesus said, "I am the Vine and you are the branches", there is growth implied, and a vine cannot bear fruit unless it is pruned over time, and so that means you lose something to gain even more. One great example I love to follow is John the Baptist, of whom it was said, "Even though he never performed one miraculous sign, everything he said about this man (Jesus) was true" and John himself said when his Ministry was fading in the light of Christ's Ministry, "He must become greater, I must become less."

    Absolute Perfection belongs to God exclusively, but when Jesus said, "Be perfect as your Father in Heaven in perfect" he was talking about "Heart Perfection" of which the old Evangelist John Wesley described as, living every day in such a way that should you sin absent mindedly or through weakness, when you realize your mistake, you stop and are reconciled with the one you have sinned against, and with God, and learn from error. As time goes on, you are pruned in your soul this way, and you can grow in "Heart Perfection!" This is Sanctification for those who have been saved, and the word Saint in the Greek comes from the same root as sanctification. The word "Saint" in the Greek literally means "those who are called to be Holy" and "the Church" in the Greek means "the called out ones!"

  2. There is holy and then there is Holy! - the revised version. -

  3. The problems with Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims, Mormons, and Jews is their theology proceeds from works righteousness. If works could have saved us, then Jesus never needed to come and die, because we would have been able to keep the law of Moses and never break it.
    Works can never be righteousness, but they are a sign as to how healthy the relationship with God is. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit. I Corinthians 13:4-8 NIV. Everywhere "Love" is in these verses, put your name and see how you measure up. If you bear this kind of fruit in your life, no one can say it is bad, or that your relationship with God is not real.
    The danger of the above mentioned "religions" is that works righteousness is ultimately idolatrous - you are your own god and will define what "right" and "wrong" and you are at the Center, God is not - this was Adam and Eve's original sin - that they would be like God instead of letting God be God, since Yahweh translates "I am going to be who I am going to be"! You have to be very careful in saying we all worship the same God, for Anton Levay, who founded the Church of Satan, said Satanism is not about worshiping Satan, but rather self, and make no mistakes works righteousness is idolatrous and ultimately a worship of "self" and not Yahweh.
    Read more at - Do we all have the same God? -

  4. Dobson Explains Why He Called Trump a ‘Baby Christian’ -

    Trump is a baby Christian as of the recent past, but yet what do we do? The same as what most institutional Churches have done, kick the wounded and never give them the chance to grow, let alone bloom.

    paraclatos/parakletos - counselor/comforter are poor translations - NT GREEK - One who comes alongside to help - imagery is of a parent holding a toddler's hand and helping their child learn to walk. This is what Jesus promised grown men he chose as his disciples when he promised he would not leave them as orphans.

    If we are so quick to kick Trump how can we say we have the Holy Spirit in us, especially if our behavior does not mirror what the Holy Spirit does for the born again?

  5. TRUMP: If I'm president, 'Christianity will have power' in the US -

  6. Trump Loves His Bible. And Christmas, Too -

  7. Donald Trump woos evangelicals in Orlando - - Donald admits that if he doesn't keep his promises and doesn't do right by the American people, he might not get into Heaven, Have not heard anything like this from a political candidate in my lifetime.

  8. Donald Trump woos evangelicals in Orlando - - Donald admits that if he doesn't keep his promises and doesn't do right by the American people, he might not get into Heaven, Have not heard anything like this from a political candidate in my lifetime.

  9. paraclatos/parakletos - counselor/comforter are poor translations - NT GREEK - One who comes alongside to help - imagery is of a parent holding a toddler's hand and helping their child learn to walk. This is what Jesus promised grown men he chose as his disciples when he promised he would not leave them as orphans.

    15 “If you love me, keep my commands. 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. - John 15 NIV;

    When we die the Holy Spirit, that Heavenly Parent, the Spirit of Yeshua - Yahweh is Salvation living in us and sharing all of life, so that Jesus' suffering did not end on the cross, but is shared in the life of every believer, which is why he could tell the sheep and goats at the judgment, "What you did to the least of these my brothers & sisters, you did also to me!" This Holy Spirit does not even leave us in death, in fact the Holy Spirit does for us what we cannot do for ourselves, takes our hands, and leads us across the River Jordan, so that the river of death, will not sweep us away to Hell, and the Spirit walks us to the new shores of Eternity, to the New Heaven (new universe) and new earth, where in the House of Yahweh, there are many or rooms enough for all!

  10. Ethics and Morals in Entertainment and Education - a proper response: -

    OR Why do Liberals and the LEFT IGNORE the CDC?

    Or why do #Methodists forget their #Wesleyan #Faith includes #reason and #experience let alone #scripture and #tradition?

    #Ethics #Morals #STDepidemic #CDCgov #QAnon #MAGA #KAG2020 #WG1WGA #Deplorables #Truthistruth

  11. I am glad I converted some of the NOTES into threads over at Twitter, the new format is destroying all editing and form and reducing everything ot just compacted text with no paragraphs or divisions! You can tell Facebook has retarded Chinese Nationals doing their editing or there on the new format!
