Friday, December 18, 2020

British theft in 1776 vs Progressive theft in 2020

 British theft in 1776 vs Progressive theft in 2020!

I am suspended by Twitter for 12 hours for daring to say that those who betray America should suffer the consequences of treason. Did not say I would personally impose the capital punishment, but rather Government if it was abiding by our US Constitution & Laws should have done this in 1993 and instead of giving China more than just ICBM technology, slowly, the #Progressives are giving them control of corporations and by proxy America through our own corrupt politicians, and I also said if we could not hold individuals from 1993 responsible nor HALF of DC who enabled them, then Red States should secede and leave the Blue Utopia to its own ruin. There is a difference between saying I personally want to hang the Clintons out of unsupported unlawful actions, and saying that they should have to pay for the treasons and crimes that Congress nor the Courts have dared to because too many of them were making money hand over fist enriching the 1%, specifically the 50% of the 1% Lobbyists who live in the 7 counties surrounding DC, while impoverishing the nation with 215.9% jump in inflation since 1980 through endless deficit spending! This is not without precedent historically since Democrats executed the Rosenbergs for giving away the secrets of the atomic bomb to the Soviet Union. Debate whether they were rightly or wrongly charged, but if truly guilty, they endured what the law demanded. Why are the Clintons and those in DC immune to the same punishment for giving ICBM technology to China? It not my job, but Government's job to charge them with treason and set a fitting punishment whether capital punishment or life in prison, but I would lose no sleep if those responsible were put to death for their treason by the proper authorities!

Sorry, but neither Progressive GOP nor DNC can hold the Social Security carrot stick over me as I age as they did the Baby Boomers to get their votes. Social Security will be bankrupt by 2025, when interest on the deficit absorbs all taxes, leaving nothing to spend on Social Security or any Government spending.

POTUS Donald John Trump desired to balance the budget and pay off the national debt by 2024 in 2016, but Paul Ryan was a Progressive Globalist like his partner in crime, Mitt Romney, and refused to work with Trump and increased us to $2 trillion in debt to add to Obama's $20 trillion since the House controls the Budgets, not the Executive. Then he handed the House to Nancy Pelosi who increase it another $4 trillion before COVID19 hit.

Then the Global Progressives worked with China, Iran, their proxies in #Facebook, #Twitter, and #Google to steal the election in 2020 with dead voters, stuffed ballots never verified, at least 12,000 adjudicated ballots in Atrim, MI, most likely not voter error, but blank ballots were thrown in and assigned to Biden, and even our #SCOTUS is under Chinese control refusing to listen to Texas & other states about the violations of the US Constitution and State Constitutions that changed laws unconstitutionally to enable the stealing of the election and the #SCOTUS is slow-walking Sidney Powell's evidence on Dominion Fraud and Chinese and Iranian interference hoping to get Biden into the White House first.

So there is no longer a reason for Red States to stay in a corrupted Progressive Globalist controlled Union and so they should leave it and start over from scratch, keeping the US Constitution, adding a balanced budget requirement to it and requiring all State Constitution to have the same balanced budget requirement and requiring States that join the New Republic to abide by it, because if our Government could not hold the Clinton accountable for betraying us to China, what makes you think they are going to hold the current corrupt characters in the Deep State accountable for the theft of the 2020 election? They are not!

We can start over and abolish abortion in the Red States and end the legal immigration of 1 million legal immigrants since 1990 to replace them, and we can bring our supply chains back from China and impose tariffs on the Union of Blue Utopia States for being Chinese puppet allies, and give Americans a living wage, instead of constantly crippling the economy making them believe their only option is another Government check stealing from hard-working Americans.

A 215.9% jump in inflation means your dollar is worth what a quarter was in 1980. For the 50% of the 1% millionaires in DC and people like Nancy Pelosi who have made Hundreds of Millions of Dollars on insider trading in DC for a job $12 million dollars is spent on each election, that only pays $147,000, they have no problem with ONE Million of their Hundreds of Millions of dollars being only worth 250,000 dollars today in value due to inflation since 1980, but for you in America, it's a different story when 78% of you live paycheck to paycheck and 50% make $33,000 or less and cannot afford the cost of living inflated to $56,000.

My step-Father worked for the USPS and US Army Reserves making $36,000 and was able to take care of a family of 8, and have money to put into a Christmas savings account each year, but today 50% of Americans cannot afford the cost of living for themselves, let along 7 other people!

Red States exiting the Blue Utopia would grow so fast and so rich, in time, people exiled in the Blue States would want to leave their states or vote their corrupt politicians out, and rejoin the rest of us.

It's better than a future under #LyingJoeBiden and his Deep State Cabal!

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