Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Ethics and Morals in Entertainment and Education - a proper response

 Ethics and Morals in Entertainment and Education - a proper response:

110 million STDs or 1 out of every 3 Americans having an STD according to the CDC. The Entertainment Industry oversexualized people and content starting in the 1960s. It has not helped that Progressives in education have pushed teaching sex without ethics or hygiene, how to wear condoms, where to get abortions, hiding abortions from parents involving their children who are minors, and mocking conservatives as square and out of date. Today according to the CDC 1/2 of sexually active teens has an STD, 83% of syphilis cases came from the male homosexual population in 2014 and 65% of HIV/AIDS cases came from the male homosexual population in 2010, and they have 17X the anal cancer rates of heterosexuals.

While the Entertainment Industry may only be concerned with making money and Progressives of the Counter Culture stuck in pushing that now failed agenda, we have to seriously look at the CDC's data and see how much it is costing us in healthcare by causing the pricing to go up and how much of a burden this becomes for taxes and insurance.

We need to return to conservative values not to mock them for the sake of money or power, but to see the intrinsic value of teaching the steps to intimacy: friendship; group dating with good friends to find someone of good character with whom to bond, nurture, learn from, and grow; finding someone we think is qualified and dating them for a year, if we feel we can’t bond let them go, otherwise move on to steady dating for a year; after a year of steady dating, get engaged; after a year of engagement and getting ready for the wedding and inviting a close and good ethical community of friends and family to witness the marriage, then get married; after you are married go on the Honeymoon and THEN have sex.

This is rarely displayed outside the Hallmark Channel and some Disney films, for the most part, it is ignored in movies in Hollywood and in Television Programming on TV, now add digital channels such as Netflix and other related media.

In education, Progressives from the old failed Counter Culture and Sexual Revolution movements teach “wear a condom” and if that fails, “have an abortion” and the tragedy has been 63 million-plus abortions since 1973, hurting society at all levels. Progressives in Government have been immigrating 1 million legal immigrants a year since 1990 to make up for the lost population. FDR set up social security based upon the birth rate of 7 children per family and to sustain it, it was assumed the 7 children would grow up to have 7 children, and so on to pay into the system to keep it solvent. By the 1980s, there was no way the 2.5 children per family were going to do it. Right now it takes the income of 3 full-time workers to pay for one person receiving social security. Right now America’s birth rate is at 1.6. IF the budget is NOT balanced under POTUS Trump as he desires and the national debt paid off by 2024 with the Congress doing what is necessary for budgets to do so, by 2025, the interest on the national debt will consume ALL REVENUE to the US Treasury, and there will not be enough in tax revenue to pay for Social Security, let alone any other Government spending.

Departing from the Ethics of the Biblical Narrative that founded this nation in the National Sunday School Movement of the 1700s to the early 20th century, which founded and created the Public Education System the Progressive Government then stepped in and took over the early 20th century, has cost the USA greatly. Things really went downhill, when the Supreme Court in 1962 said voluntary prayer was now no longer allowed in the education system:

Some people will say there was a tipping point in our country in 1962 - https://youtu.be/Ho6FD2DVL40 jump to time stamp 4:00 after prayer is removed SAT scores crash in the decades that follow, premarital sex is off the charts going forward, violent crimes should have stayed even with the population growth, but then changes after 1962 and begin to skyrocket.

Without the Biblical Narrative as our Ethical Foundation, you have no end of slavery in the abolition movement by students of the Sunday School Movement who wrote the first newspapers calling for an end to slavery decades before the end of it at the end of the civil war, you do not have women from the Sunday School Movement who joined the suffrage movement to give women the right to vote, and you do not have people like Martin Luther King Jr. who helped bring about the Civil Rights Act.

Reformation of the Government in this country has come from Conservatives and especially Conservative Christians and at one time you could not be a member of Congress without being a member of the National Sunday School Board, but once the secular humanist socialist Progressive came to power in DC from their cousins the Fabian Socialist in Britain, Progressives like Woodrow Wilson taught that the Declaration of Independence was best understood without its references to God, because Progressives do not believe in God, so it is not God who gives you your inalienable rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, but rather it is Government who is the granter of your rights.

Muslims began the slave trade in Africa selling infidels into slavery and even coming to the shores of the early United States to capture Americans as well as Europeans and sell them into slavery by the millions over the decades that passed until Thomas Jefferson sent the first Marines to Libya to the shores of Tripoli to battle the Barbary Pirates and end their raiding of US Ships and coming to US Shores to enslave Americans. So abolition would have never come about by Islam, nor would they have ever given women the right to vote since women don’t have rights in their religion.

In Judaism, it was legal to make non-Jews slaves before Jerusalem was sent into exile, and men held the political power in Israel, women did not.

In Hinduism, you have a caste system, so no equal rights, let alone social justice for all.

Meanwhile, the Progressives have sought to tear down Christian tradition and ethics and reformation in this country and villainize it, while they have destroyed the youth and culture sexually by abandoning Christian Tradition when it comes to marriage and intimacy.

The figures and data from the CDC speak for themselves, and either we REFORM how we educate on sex in the education system to include the steps to intimacy and the realization of the importance of hygiene, or we watch the decline of civilization in America worse than what has happened since the Progressives came to power in the early 20th century and worse than what has occurred since the Counter Culture and Sexual Revolution of the 1960s.

RESPONSE TO: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6444769336862212096

Original NOTE/BLOG along with comments can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/notes/10224341745040310/ - I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them.


Some migrated comments from FB Notes:

110 million sexually transmitted infections in the U.S.: CDC report - https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/one-in-three-americans-has-a-sexually-transmitted-infection-cdc-report +++++++++++++++

There's just one problem with the gay agenda: it's based on a lie. Homosexuals are not like heterosexuals, nor is the practice of homosexuality innocuous. The single largest problem for the gay agenda is medical science. In 2014, the CDC found that men-who-have-sex-with-men (MSM), about 1 percent of the population, accounted for 83 percent of syphilis cases in the U.S. Syphilis, a disease that was once on the verge of eradication, is spreading like wildfire. According to the CDC, syphilis rates "are increasing at an alarming rate." The statistics for AIDS are similar. In 2010, MSM were responsible for 63 percent of new AIDS cases in the US. The rate of anal cancer among MSM is seventeen times higher than among heterosexuals. It is alarming that the gay community exhibits no restraint and cannot be self-policing. Even school children know about condoms, yet venereal diseases rage unchecked through the population of gay men. A recent report in the medical literature found that infection rates for both gonorrhea and chlamydia are increasing among MSM.

The fact that about two-thirds of syphilis and AIDS cases occur amongst one percent of the population tells us something that is immediate and unambiguous: that homosexuality is not an innocuous choice. What gay men do behind closed doors is fundamentally different from what heterosexuals usually do in their bedrooms. It's also more dangerous. In 1975, when that young man appeared before my psychology class, and told us in all apparent sincerity, "I'm just like you," he was lying.

Statistical data on syphilis and AIDS are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The CDC warns us that "many cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis continue to go undiagnosed and unreported." Other STDS, including, human papillomavirus, herpes, and trichomoniasis, "are not routinely reported." And now we have a new horror: a virulent strain of meningitis which strikes suddenly and can kill in a few hours. The Family Research Council describes the sexual practices of homosexuals as "a medical horror story." Of course, the Family Research Council is a conservative advocacy organization. Nevertheless, their claims are backed up by references to the medical literature. Every thesis has to be evaluated on its intrinsic merits, not the aims and objectives of its advocates.

Hypocrisy bothers me. Many of the same people who are enthusiastic about the gay agenda will denounce people who object to mandatory vaccinations. They remind us that vaccinations achieve the common good of reducing disease. But they won't accept that restricting the practice of homosexuality achieves the same end. If you don't accept climate alarmism, you're called a denier of science. But what medical science says about homosexuality is ignored or derided as homophobic propaganda. We are informed, endlessly, of the costs of gun violence, cigarette smoking, and obesity. What is the cost of homosexuality? How much does it cost to treat syphilis, AIDS, and a whole host of other diseases? What cost will we bear for the reemergence of syphilis, a disease that was almost eradicated? Neither are these plagues limited to gays. Bisexual men spread them into the heterosexual population.

I want to anticipate and answer the criticism that venereal diseases also occur among, and are spread by, heterosexuals. Yes, it's true. Every disease that is commonplace among homosexuals also occurs among heterosexuals. Every dangerous or questionable practice engaged in by homosexuals is also found in the heterosexual population. Granting these facts, there are two reasons the argument fails. First, the primary difference is a matter of degree. When 1 percent of the population gives rise to 83 percent of the syphilis cases, we're talking about a profound difference. Second, heterosexual sex must be tolerated because it's necessary for the propagation of the human race. In contrast, homosexuality is completely sterile and practiced only for personal gratification and hedonistic pleasure.

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Ethics come from the societal narrative - https://www.facebook.com/notes/george-walter-bratcher-iii/why-progressives-fear-religion-in-america-/10150563200101373 - which has changed largely in America since the early 20th century. The Bible is no longer the focal point of shared stories, it must now compete with TV, Movies & Film Industry, Video Games, 24/7 News, the Internet, and popular culture birthed from these media.

The societal narrative is important, for when the Ethics of the Biblical Narrative are removed, the results can be devastating, as they were for Germany under Hitler and the Nazis - https://youtu.be/hOSXVfQ20V4?list=PLB6FD57E2DDE07689 - one has to wonder if the Catholic Clergy had encouraged their Church members to read scripture, instead of relying solely on Pope and Priest every Sunday to interpret, and had the Protestant Movement in Germany a laity led movement like the Sunday School movement in America from the late 17th to early 20th century, where women taught illiterate men and children to read from the Bible in one room Sunday Schools, if Hitler would have ever been able to get a foothold like he did upon the national public? +++++++++++++++
In addition, these "pirates" randomly raided towns on the coasts of Europe and captured people, bringing them back to North Africa to ransom or sell into slavery. They even came so far as the shores of America to capture settlers, to bring them back to Africa to ransom or sell. They especially prized young women and children who could be used as concubines or made into eunuchs. Over a million Europeans and Americans were sold into slavery during the 200-year reign of the Muslim "Barbary Coast" rulers.

Many European countries wanted this to stop, of course, to which the leaders of the North African countries replied, "All you have to do is pay us a certain amount of money annually, and we will not attack ships from your country." Many European countries paid the tribute. It was cheaper than going to war. Of course, that was a short-term, self-defeating solution, since paying the tribute made the North African Muslim countries more powerful and more capable of terror, plunder, and mayhem.

The United States was paying this tribute also. This bothered Jefferson. It just so happened that while he was an ambassador in France, Jefferson met with John Adams (then the American ambassador to Britain) and together the two men met with the ambassador from Tripoli (one of the North African Muslim pirate countries). Jefferson and Adams sat down to talk with this man. They asked him why Tripoli attacked ships. Why attack the United States? They had no previous interactions. Why the hostility? Why did they choose America as an enemy?

The Tripoli Muslim ambassador was very straightforward. He said, basically, "That's what we do. We are commanded to do so by Allah." Jefferson later wrote that the Tripoli ambassador told him, "It was written in their Koran that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman (Muslim) who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to Paradise."

Completely taken aback by this revelation, Jefferson decided to look into the matter further, and did the one thing everyone should do: He read the Koran. He learned what Islam was about.

And when he became president, he expanded and then mobilized the United States Navy to protect American ships from Muslim piracy and then sent Marines to the shores of Tripoli, who soundly defeated the Muslim warriors. This brought an end to the "Barbary Coast Pirates." This was the first foreign war fought by the U.S. and military aggressiveness of Islamic countries remained contained and weakened for over a century.

It's amazing what a little accurate information can do.

Read more at - http://www.citizenwarrior.com/2010/09/why-did-president-jefferson-read-quran.html +++++++++++++++
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) have been rising among gay and bisexual men, with increases in syphilis being seen across the country. In 2014, gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men accounted for 83% of primary and secondary syphilis cases where sex of sex partner was known in the United States. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men often get other STDs, including chlamydia and gonorrhea infections. HPV (Human papillomavirus), the most common STD in the United States, is also a concern for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Some types of HPV can cause genital and anal warts and some can lead to the development of anal and oral cancers. Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are 17 times more likely to get anal cancer than heterosexual men. Men who are HIV-positive are even more likely than those who do not have HIV to get anal cancer.

https://www.cdc.gov/msmhealth/STD.htm +++++++++++++++

After conducting an extensive study on homosexual behavior, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that those involved in such lifestyles experience a far greater amount of violence from one another than those in heterosexual relationships.

CDC’s National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey is a first-of-its-kind study geared to determine the difference between the victimization of men and women by sexual orientation. The results show that men and women involved in homosexual behavior undergo much higher rates of sexual violence than men and women who are heterosexual.

Surprising to many, homosexual women experience more violence than men. According to the study, a whopping 44 percent of lesbians were either raped, experienced physical abuse, and/or were stalked by their intimate partners during their lifetime. Even more shockingly, 61 percent of bisexual women endured such violence from their partners.

It is also reported that 37 percent of bisexual women indicated they were stalked, which is more than double the rate that heterosexual women experience from their male partners. Furthermore, the CDC found that 37 percent of bisexual women were injured during the rape, physical violence, and/or stalking that they experienced at the hands of their sexual partners.

Tragically, 48 percent of bisexual women who reported that they were raped said that their first experience of being raped occurred when they were adolescents between the ages of 11 and 17.

The research also shows that 26 percent of homosexual men experienced rape, physical violence and/or stalking by their intimate partners. It’s even higher for bisexual men, who experience these types of assaults at a rate of 37 percent.

Refusing to interpret the numbers?

Refuting many of the claims by LGBT activists that homosexual behavior is a natural biological condition, the CDC report found that a large percentage of homosexual transgenders and bisexual women experienced sexual violence during their childhood years, which could have likely resulted in their choices in adulthood to adopt a homosexual lifestyle. Even though the government agency would not make an official determination that such early exposure to sexual violence was the cause of men and women ultimately choosing to engage in homosexual behavior, the statistics themselves appear to point to such a connection.

However, despite the numbers indicating otherwise, the homosexual activist organization Human Rights Campaign (HRC) claims that “poverty, stigma, and marginalization” are the cause of sexual violence.

"We also face higher rates of hate-motivated violence … the ways in which society … stigmatizes our relationships can lead to intimate partner violence that stems from internalized homophobia and shame," the HRC alleges.

However pro-family media outlets point out that those advocating traditional values are quick to bring light to the fact that those engaging in homosexual behavior often come from a violent past.

“[C]ritics of the gay agenda say violence is intrinsic to the inner-conflicted homosexual orientation,” Lifenews.com’s Mark Hodges reports. “[C]ritics say sodomy itself is a violent act of hate, not love, and the high rate of violence among homosexuals is not surprising.”

Even LGBT leaders have conceded that those in the homosexual community tend to ignore the prevalence of sexual violence between its members.

"Until recently, [LGBTQ] intra-community sexual assault went largely unacknowledged, particularly for women who have sex with women," National Center for Lesbian Rights Reproductive Justice Fellow Lauren Paulk admitted. "A particularly disturbing dynamic arises when the assaults are perpetrated by other LGBT community members."

Paulk says that the LGBT community has rationalized or ignored such violence for various reasons.

“Denial, misrecognition and the dismissal of outside-the-community concern as latent homophobia are examples of responses to sexual assault that occurs between members of the LGBT community," the homosexual activist explained. "Survivors of assault may not know where to turn, either because they fear they will not be believed or supported, or because they do not want to malign another member of the community or reinforce negative stereotypes."
+++++++++++++++ Walt Heyer and Ana Samuel – Rethinking Transgenderism https://youtu.be/qO-myqK6tHc - "Most people don't realize trans children are not homosexual, they are just gender confused." - Walt Heyer - whose own transgender conflict began with a Grandmother who dressed him as a girl while she babysat him, and an uncle who molested him before he was age 10. +++++++++++++++
Walt Heyer sought a degree in Psychology after he had transitioned to Laura Jensen that then convinced him, he made a mistake.

Even Paul Walker, the homosexual Doctor at John Hopkins who encouraged and authorized his sex change, later he apologized to Walt Heyer for ever putting him through the gender reassignment surgery in the first place before Dr. Paul Walker died of AIDS/HIV.

41% attempt suicide who undergo sex-change surgery; parents should be jailed who do this to kids - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUFFSikU_9A&list=PL-91YjfIn8ojjNh_8-Ug-Rfvr-Bquksth&index=2&t=783s

Walt Heyer just said in his video the pioneers of the sexual reassignment surgeries in the early days were all pedophile activists.

This is where the root of the movement sprang from and it should speak volumes to anyone interested in the truth!

Even the Dr. who later apologized for ever putting Walt through the surgeries was a homosexual. This was a bad case of the blind leading the blind and a terrible pit of suicide at worst and depression at the least that they had to go through, when Gender Dysphoria as Walt Heyer found in his own pursuit of a psychology degree in order to be a counselor himself at a 12 step center, was the main cause, often stemming from abuse and neglect like he has suffered as a child.
Cited in the video link above in the interview:

John Money, a founding father of the transgender surgery was a pedophile activist, as were the other founding fathers of the transgender surgery, is mentioned in the video as attempting to change a boy to a girl after a botched circumcision, and here is his story:

David Peter Reimer (August 22, 1965 – May 4, 2004) was a Canadian man born biologically male but raised female following medical advice and intervention after his penis was accidentally destroyed during a botched circumcision in infancy.[1]
Psychologist John Money oversaw the case and reported the reassignment as successful and as evidence that gender identity is primarily learned. Academic sexologist Milton Diamond later reported that Reimer failed to identify as female since the age of 9 to 11,[2] and transitioned to living as a male at age 15. Well known in medical circles for years anonymously as the "John/Joan" case, Reimer later went public with his story to help discourage similar medical practices. He later committed suicide after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and a troubled marriage.
Reimer said that Dr. Money forced the twins to rehearse sexual acts involving "thrusting movements", with David playing the bottom role. Reimer said that, as a child, he had to get "down on all fours" with his brother, Brian Reimer, "up behind his butt" with "his crotch against" his "buttocks". Reimer said that Dr. Money forced David, in another sexual position, to have his "legs spread" with Brian on top. Reimer said that Dr. Money also forced the children to take their "clothes off" and engage in "genital inspections". On at "least one occasion", Reimer said that Dr. Money took a photograph of the two children doing these activities. Dr. Money's rationale for these various treatments was his belief that "childhood 'sexual rehearsal play'" was important for a "healthy adult gender identity"
In addition to his difficult lifelong relationship with his parents, Reimer had to deal with unemployment and the death of his brother Brian from an overdose of antidepressants on July 1, 2002. On May 2, 2004, his wife Jane told him she wanted to separate. On the morning of May 4, 2004, Reimer drove to a grocery store's parking lot and took his own life by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun.[11] He was 38 years old.


According to the DSM-5, as many as 98% of gender confused boys and 88% of gender confused girls eventually accept their biological sex after naturally passing through puberty.

 I’m a Pediatrician. Here’s What You Should Know About a New Study on Transgender Suicide. A new study is out that examines the risk of suicide among transgender teens. The results confirm a long pattern of data: Transgender teens attempt suicide more frequently than adolescents generally. https://intellectualtakeout.org/2018/09/im-a-pediatrician-heres-what-you-should-know-about-a-new-study-on-transgender-suicide/ +++++++++++++++

Report: Puberty blockers foisted upon minors proven to have devastating, irreversible effects https://www.theblaze.com/news/report-puberty-blockers-minors-proven-devastating-irreversible-effects


A vast majority of the 2,351 transgender people in the U.S. diagnosed with HIV in the years 2009-2014 were “transgender women”:
84% (N=1,974) of transgenders with HIV are “transgender women”, i.e., biological males.
15.35% (N=361) of transgenders with HIV are “transgender men”, i.e., biological females.
As many as 44% of black “transgender women” have HIV, the highest percentage among all “transgender women”.
Blacks also make up a majority of “transgenders” with HIV:
58% of “transgender men” with HIV.
51% of “transgender women” with HIV.


Gay Men Need a Specific Warning About Monkeypox: In recent days, CDC officials have been acknowledging this forthrightly. Director Rochelle Walensky noted Thursday that, of the nine monkeypox cases identified in the United States as of midweek, most were among men who have sex with men. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/05/monkeypox-outbreak-spread-gay-bisexual-men/643122/


The truth is once Joseph died, and Jesus became the head of his house, his sisters had to have his approval to get married if they were not of age yet. No man Jewish man would ever come and ask for one of Jesus' younger brother's hand in marriage, even among the Gentiles this was not done, what was usually done, among heathen Gentiles there was no marriage, instead a wealthy and powerful gentile might enslave a young boy already a slave to use for sex, but there was no marriage.

Jesus didn't have to address homosexuality, because it was not a reality in a Jewish home. Even Jesus or any Jewish man would ever sell his sister/daughter as a sex slave, but they could approve their hand in marriage. Jews only married Jews or Gentiles who became Jews, which is why in the NT Church, Christians were encouraged to marry only Christians and to not be yoked with an unbeliever, bringing discord to the House of Yahweh.

Were their eunuchs in society? Yes, some were made that way, others born that way, but the whole point was they could NOT have sexual relations with women which is why heathen gentile kings often kept them in charge over harems. The great harm done to modern-day theology is to say that eunuchs are homosexuals, so since eunuchs could become Christians and remain celibate and in service to God, whereas before they could not enter the temple, but now be a temple of their God infilled with the Holy Spirit, that somehow homosexuals don't have to repent of their sin and be born anew to be either celibate or joined in marriage to a spouse of the opposing gender and remain unrepentant and a Christian at the same time.

The other great harm is to say that Jesus never addressed homosexuality when he never had to because it was never a part of Jewish culture or Christian culture. Instead, what we have are idolatrous manipulators still playing at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil not realizing their sin of deciding to define good and evil for themselves is what damned Adam in the first place. Satan's deceit was to trick Adam & Eve into knowing evil, knowing him, knowing what was opposed to the truth that was God, who made them in His image, and to lose that image by embracing the evil that is untruth, because God only knows and is good, he only knows evil in so far as what it is not of Him, he never had intimate relations with evil, as Adam chose to, and so we find a world that embraces the untruth, can't say what a man and woman are in God's image, let alone in biology, and all the while the axe is at the root of the bad trees, soon to be chopped down and thrown into the lake of fire, because Good is life and evil is death, and the two never go together!

"Choose you this day whom you will serve . . . but as for me and my House, we will serve Yahweh!" Joshua 24:15


  1. I also didn't bother to read this because the first sentence generally tells me where it's headed but I was scrolling hoping you had something for me to read. My phone temporarily shut down on me, distracted me, lost my train of thought. Do you only have three articles here? I cant tell. This phone is deplorable.

    1. Well Joe, you didn't do this with the Atheists BLOGS, you read EVERYTHING they had to tell you, and believed it all blindly. No wonder you never made it as a teacher, you could and should have been so much more.

      You could have been another Jordon Peterson:

      Best of Jordan Peterson - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-91YjfIn8ojiXEmJoop0g6yrGMgpVamX
