Monday, February 7, 2022

Why Progressives fear Religion in America . . .

 Why Progressives fear Religion in America . . .

There is a reason Government is afraid of "Religion" and why Lawfirms are too. It's because they don't want to acknowledge the influence of Religion on Government from its very founding in the "Declaration of Independence"

There never was a "separation of Church and State" ever vocalized in the Constitution, what the First Amendment does say is that CONGRESS SHALL NOT ENACT ANY "law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances."

NO WHERE DO YOU SEE "SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE" in the FIRST AMENDMENT. This was to protect "Religion" from Government, not Government from Religion unless a Religion sought to violate the constitution, which would then threaten "we the people" and then Government would need to intervene.

There is a reason your children are NEVER TAUGHT about Religion in American History unless it's to teach about the Salem Witch Trials in colonial America prior to the establishment of the first 13 states.

They don't want you to know about the Sunday School Movement that was imported from England during Colonial Days. They don't want you to know this movement became "lay" led, not clergy-led. They nor Churches like to review a time in History when more people attended the Sunday School than Church.

They don't want you to know many women's first place of leadership over men was in the One Room Sunday Schools. They don't want you to know early America's text and reading book was the Bible. Because so many women learned to read the Bible they were in a position to teach illiterate men who came to the One Room Sunday School to be taught to read.

They don't like to admit the early abolitionists learned to read and write in the Sunday School and went on to publish the first Newspaper 100 years before the Civil War ended calling for an "end to slavery"

They don't like to mention that the women's suffrage movement which later yielded women the right to vote came from the Sunday School Movement.

See "Religion" was so powerful among "we the people" of our ancestors day, that it changed Government, and helped bring an end to slavery, helped bring about women's rights, and even influenced leaders like Martin Luther King Jr. for Civil Rights - no they would have you believe that Government itself reformed itself and gave society all these wonderful blessings.

Instead "Progressives" have entrenched themselves into Government starting in the early 20th century, into News Media, and Education and all they love to talk about is how a Supreme Court Justice who was prejudiced against immigrant Catholics created the phrase "separation of Church and State" and brought it into "case law" and therefore they jump to the conclusion that it's always been part of the Constitution.

When the "Religious Faith" of "We the People" is so powerful that it changes Government and reforms Government from within because its influence is so heavy with the politicians that it can no longer be ignored, you see "WHY" the "PROGRESSIVES" are afraid of Christianity.

Progressives have to blaspheme our History of Religion in this country and make it a boogie man and try to convince you that thousands of Christian Denominations who cannot agree upon mutual "Articles of Faith" let alone a single dominating Hermeneutic of the Bible, can somehow form a majority to form a Christian Theocracy to overthrow the Republic. It's the RED HERRING the Progressives throw out in the Media EVERY ELECTION CYCLE.

Meanwhile, they don't want you looking behind the curtain to see that Progressives think we need to progress past the US Constitution because it's too old, tend to like to call it a "living, breathing document" so they can get past what is not lawful in it, in Universities they don't have law students study the US Constitution, instead they have them study "case law" which many times violates the US Constitution, and always call our Government a "Democracy" instead of "a Republic" because they know the founding Father's despised "Democracies"

Original NOTE/BLOG from 2013, along with comments can be found at: Facebook I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them.


Some migrated comments from FB Notes:

Many Americans would be surprised to learn that the word Democracy does not appear in the Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution. Nor does it appear in any of the Constitutions of the 50 States. The founders did everything they could to keep us from having a Democracy.

James Madison rightly known as the Father of the Constitution wrote in essay 10 of The Federalist Papers: “. . . democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property, and in general, have been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

Alexander Hamilton agreed and he stated, “We are a Republican Government. Real liberty is never found in the despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.”

Samuel Adams, a signer of the Declaration of Independence, stated, “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.” -

+++++++++++++++ Historians on Progressives Beck 1-29-10-1 Historians on Progressives-1.avi - YouTube Is there any coexisting with Progressives if you believe in the original intent of the founders (for a Constitutional Government). #Progressives #ProgressiveCommunists #USConstitution #ConstitutionalModerates Historians interviewed: Ronald J. Pestritto author of Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism, Burton W. Folsom Jr. author of New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America, Larry Schweikart author of A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror +++++++++++++++ “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” - Matthew 22:21b - Scientists "Jesus Rose From The Dead! " Astounding Proof! - YouTube - seems the Creator owns everything He created. The Declaration of Independence says the Creator has endowed us with inalienable rights, not Government!
+++++++++++++++ "Some say there was a tipping point in 1962 . . ." -
+++++++++++++++ "The First Slave Owner In America" -
+++++++++++++++ "Why Science can neither prove or disprove God's existence . . ." - - using science, its own rules, and a little logic, supporting statements from names historically BIG in philosophy, it's actually easy to prove this point.

Ethics come from the societal narrative - - which has changed largely in America since the early 20th century. The Bible is no longer the focal point of shared stories, it must now compete with TV, Movies & Film Industry, Video Games, 24/7 News, the Internet, and popular culture birthed from these media.

The societal narrative is important, for when the Ethics of the Biblical Narrative are removed, the results can be devastating, as they were for Germany under Hitler and the Nazis - - one has to wonder if the Catholic Clergy had encouraged their Church members to read scripture, instead of relying solely on Pope and Priest every Sunday to interpret, and had the Protestant Movement in Germany a laity led movement like the Sunday School movement in America from the late 17th to early 20th century, where women taught illiterate men and children to read from the Bible in one room Sunday Schools, if Hitler would have ever been able to get a foothold like he did upon the national public?

95 percent of most Religion Professors at the University or Seminary don't even know why Yeshua/Jesus came to fulfill the Covenant Yahweh/God made with Abraham and why he had to die to fulfill it, why the Old Covenant ended and the New Covenant began - Finally about time: There is holy and then there is Holy! ( - and that is why 95% of the Clergy across many Christian denominations fail in sharing the most important part of the shared narrative that forms our Ethics.

If they were, you would have less and less of a minority that is growing to call for homosexuality to be allowed in the Church, and it would greatly push us back to realizing that our rights come from our Creator, and He endows the rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness, and that our rights are to be insured by the Government, and that they don't come from the Government.

Too many times the so-called Church, especially from clergy leadership, jumps on board the Progressive bandwagon without realizing how godless it is when it assumes Government gives people their rights because there is no god in their eyes. They run to Government to do charity through taxation which leads to waste and abuse, instead of realizing that's the job of the Church, and something they fail in teaching the congregation through discipleship, which while trending in small groups of the late 20th and early 21st century, has been failing miserably at the level of the Clergy within most denominations.

When you don't adequately understand the OT or NT Covenants as Clergy, you fail and fail miserably not just in discipleship, but in sharing and growing the biblical narrative and the Ethics that transform the society because of it.

The Constitution was wisely written so that Government made no establishment of a single faith or denomination as abusively happened in Europe with the Catholic Church, and the result has been thousands of Christian denominations, and with great difference in Articles of Faith, and Biblical Hermeneutics; it insured no one group would grow to seize power politically, but that didn't mean our shared core values would not transform the Government by we the people who shared them, hence the end of slavery came about from this shared narrative, women's right to vote, the Civil Rights Act. The shared Ethics from the shared biblical narrative is the greatest blessing this country has had in reforming itself, especially at the level of Government. The danger today is the changing narrative that does not include the Bible, and the former Nazi Germany shows us the danger of going down a pure progressive secular human narrative and ethics proceeding therein.

Nice conversation on a "friends" page on how the National Education System came from the Sunday School Movement - in other words, education in America came predominantly from lay leaders within the Church, was adopted by the Church, and then taken over by the Federal Government - - there was no "separation of Church and State" issues once the one-room schools were incorporated into public education because the Church nor the state were at odds, some say until 1962 - - when the Supreme Court first ruled that voluntary prayer was "unconstitutional", and since then the real history of the classroom has been "glossed over" as though the Church never mattered in the first place.

You almost can't come on to FB or turn on the news without discovering somewhere in America, Progressives in the Public School system by grade, middle, high school, even state college & university are persecuting Christians in some form or fashion in the classroom, when in reality, America might not have the foundation for the education system it has today without Christians.

Do we all have the same God? Finally about time: Do we all have the same God? (

Christians have not arrived, but Progressives assume they have . . .

Progressives say your rights come from the Government, not your Creator, as the Declaration of Independence states.

Due to lack of education from clergy and professors, Christians are losing their own narrative on the importance of the Christian Covenant and its strong ties to the Christian Marriage Covenant:

There is holy and then there is Holy! Finally about time: There is holy and then there is Holy! (

+++++++++++++++ How Progressive Socialists BROKE THE FAMILY in America in the last 60 years! +++++++++++++++ A NEW religion has been brought to displace Christianity which founded public education in the first place and you are not being told the truth about it:

In the beginning God or Big Bang? - Best Answer Pt.2

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