Thursday, May 1, 2014

Finally about time.

Time to get the blogs up and running on blogger.  I've been considering it for some time, but have mostly been engaged in NOTES over on FB - and I've downloaded almost all of my old blogs from My Space, and since they no longer support the BLOG format, it will soon be time to export some of those old blogs from there to here, plus it will be a great place to duplicate and even enhance a duplicate of my NOTES from FB.

Everyone talks about the greatness of the "cloud" for always storing your documents, and for the longest time My Space was a shining example of that, until it was sold, and the new ownership just erased our BLOGS.  So from here on out, always keeping a copy on HD, and not longer trust the cloud like I once did, but it helps to have duplicate and even triplicate copies, because even HD, backup HD are not exempt from failure or destruction.

Well, this is definitely my Newbie moment of titling my blog the same as my first post, but in time perhaps I can change, and if not, it's not a bad title.