Wednesday, January 27, 2021

You cannot serve Jesus and follow Saul Alinsky!

 You cannot serve Jesus and follow Saul Alinsky!

The rules:

1. “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have."
2. “Never go outside the expertise of your people.”
3. “Whenever possible, go outside the expertise of the enemy.”
4. “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”
5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
6. “A good tactic is one your people enjoy.”
7. “A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.”
8. “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
9. “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
11. “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”
“The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.”
12. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Alinsky begins “Rules for Radicals” with a dedication to Lucifer “...the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom.”

'Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.' 

- Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals. 

That's what Barack Obama taught his ACORN followers in all his Community Agitator classes in Chicago.

13“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other,or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

14 The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus. 15 He said to them, “You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight. - Luke 16 NIV;


Original NOTE/BLOG from July 21, 2014 along with comments can be found at: - I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them.


Some migrated comments from FB Notes:

"Barack Obama is a Saul Alinsky Radical" -

From the anti-War movement, to Occupy Wall Street, to Ferguson anti-Police racial dividers - this is Hydra, cut off one head, it is replaced by two (called something else by the MSM), and Obama is their leader, make no mistake about it! These people don't love America, and neither does Obama; Rudy Giuliani is RIGHT and it's why he is getting crucified by the MSM who prop these groups up as something new when they are the same radicals we have always known to be anti-America!

Obama is a liar, so how can America trust or love a liar or the liar America:
Todd Starnes::

President Obama lied to the nation in 2008 when he said he opposed gay marriage for religious reasons, according to a new book by former political advisor David Axelrod.

Time Magazine reports Obama even lied inside Rick Warren's Saddleback Church.

“I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman,” Obama said at the time. “Now, for me as a Christian — for me — for me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.”

He lied inside a church. He lied outside the church. He lied to the nation.
Obama's lies are like the Energizer Bunny unfortunately, they just go on, and on, and on, and on . Of course, we know who the Father of lies is, so much for Obama's fake Christianity. +++++++++++++++ In 1969, Hillary Rodham wrote a 92-page senior thesis for Wellesley College about community organizer Saul Alinsky entitled "There Is Only the Fight . . . ": An Analysis of the Alinsky Model.[1] 


Why Hillary’s Alinsky Letters Matter


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Scientists can't believe in God?

 Scientists can’t believe in God?

Some scientists today strike me as arrogant.  They fail to acknowledge that their school of thought sprang from Philosophy.  Many would hold that Aristotle's primary school of Philosophy became the model of Western Education today.  These scientists today would dismiss the 40% of scientists who no longer subscribe to a narrow theory of evolution which has no Prime Mover and David Hume who adequately critiqued science in general, and would dismiss great minds who would believe in God or at least be deist, and in either instance fall into the school of intelligent design.  They would seek to dismiss the thoughts of great minds such as Nicolaus Copernicus (, Galileo Galilei ( - who is considered the Father of Modern Astronomy, Modern Physics, and Science, and Isaac Newton ( who all had a belief in God either as the Christian God or as a Deity.  These scientists who would have us dismiss the thoughts of philosopher scientists such as Gottfried Leibniz ( who is credited with the discovery of infinitesimal calculus.

Equating religious faith to blind and willful ignorance dismisses the many great minds that helped make science what it is today!

He argues that conflicts between science and religion "have all  sprung from fatal errors.", however "even though the realms of religion and science in themselves are clearly marked off from each other" and there are "strong reciprocal relationships and dependencies... science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind . . . a legitimate conflict between science and religion cannot exist.". - 


It dismisses the very important contributions of:

Georges Henri Joseph Éduard Lemaître(July 17, 1894– June 20, 1966) was a BelgianRoman Catholic priest, honorary prelate, professor of physics and astronomer at the Université Catholique de Louvain. He sometimes used the title Abbé or Monsignor.

Lemaître proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe, which he called his 'hypothesis of the primeval atom'. [1][2][3] -


Original NOTE/BLOG from May 5, 2014 along with comments can be found at: - I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them.


Some migrated comments from FB Notes:

Friday, January 15, 2021

Why I did not vote for Trump to bring social justice as a Christian!

 Why I did not vote for Trump to bring social justice as a Christian!

In my life, I've been told the Government is going to make things better. Instead what I have seen is Government's notion of social justice has not made things better.

Ronald Reagan did not want to be married to his first wife who could have no children, so he instituted "No-fault divorces" when previously you had to prove infidelity to get a divorce.

And Federal Government soon agreed and made it national, because it was so unjust to keep two people together who were not obviously happy with each other.

This led to the Baby Boomers having a 50% divorce rate and 75% of the children from those divorced homes suffering divorces of their own because they never had a healthy image of marriage that is about sharing and struggle and not fantasy and selfish control.

Then LBJ's great society was going to war on poverty which had reached 17% in the 1960s and the Government threw trillions of dollars at poverty, and it has not changed at all, in fact, by the end of 2016, 90% of Americans were worse off than they were in 2007, 78% lived paycheck to paycheck, 50% did not have a $1,000 saved at years end to invest.

In the 1980s my step-Father made $36,000 annually working two jobs to take care of a family of 8.

In 1989, Federal & State employees equaled those in manufacturing, and by 2016, at 22 million Federal & State employees, they nearly doubled manufacturing at 12 million after sending 56,000 factories overseas from America making the 1% richer, and deficit spending by the Government jumped inflation 215.9% since 1980. Walmart is the largest employer at 2.1 million, but Government is 10X the size with pension packages 2/3rds higher than private employed white-collar workers, Walmart & Blue Collar workers are left with 401ks, not pensions, which payout in one generation & bankrupt the next being a pyramid ponzu scheme Government has left legal & taxpayers foot the shortfalls in Government, while businesses go bankrupt when the 2nd generation comes to collect their pensions.

So by 2016, 50% of Americans made $33,000 or less and there were record high adult suicides in that demographic on adults giving up not able to afford the cost of living set at $56,000 a year due to deficit spending by the Government driving up inflation 215.9%. So Dad provided for a family of 8 on $36,000 in the 1980s, but single adult Americans cannot afford the cost of living on $33,000 or less.

I worked in Quality for 5 years for a subcontract and after working 60-80 hours a week from 2012-2017, I made $35,000 a year and have nothing to show for it, the money is GONE thanks to inflation, and the result of my hard work was I got diabetes from lack of sleep and weight gain from stress, and now have prescriptions of over $500 a month, and if I stop taking them I will not live, without my medicine, I can die in two weeks time from either heart attack or stroke from high blood sugar.

So I am not a champion of the Government to provide social justice or to improve my quality of life. For 50 years I have seen the opposite.

They legalized abortion to keep people in Government for 50 years because they killed off enough Generation X, my generation, that we could never have the votes to override the Baby Boomers, and they sold fear to Baby Boomers that unless you elected them to keep your social security secure, your life would suffer great injustice!

Then in 1990, when they saw Evangelicals elect Reagan & Bush to 3 terms, they increased LEGAL immigration from 250,000 from 1776 to 1976 to replace that same amount of people leaving the United States to ONE MILLION annually, to help replace the 1.5 million annual abortions, and so in 1970 the Earth Day Class met to limit children to 2 families so the US would not grow beyond 250 million until 2050, but thanks to Progressives in Government we have immigrated 30 million people to the US and by 2016 that was 26 million or 3 cities the size of NYC, enough to give Hillary Clinton the popular vote of 3 million, but not enough sent to states in the electoral college to give her the win she needed. We reached 300 million by 2010 and are now at 330 million Americans and continuing to immigrate 1 million per year is not sustainable for our economic future, but if left uncheck, you will eventually have enough Muslim and Hindu votes for socialism to negate the Evangelical vote in America.

Progressives are replacing Americans with foreigners for the sake of power and to replace the Baby Boomers who have kept them in power as that generation dies off, the only question is can they do it in time before they lose power as that generation dies off?

I did not vote for Trump to have Government fix things or bring about social justice, I voted for him to limit the power of the Government that has had an overreach in the past 50 years of my life slowly destroying American lives.

Trump has simply been a plug in a dam about to burst, and it still may since the Blue States have set prisoners free rather than to give them masks and keep them in jail and we have rioting, looting, rapes, murder, arson going on in the streets of cities in the Blue States.

The Apostle Paul said to live at peace with all men as much as possible. We cannot expect to bring justice to other men, we cannot legislate justice. Justice from the Kingdom of Heaven has to come from having the Prince of Peace at rule in the heart of man.

Man cannot have peace with fellow man, when man does not have the Holy Spirit to have Heaven within through the Prince of Peace to transform and grow the seed in the broken soil of humanity, and as Jesus taught it cannot grow in the thorns & thistles, nor the shallow rocky soil, or on the hardened path.

By default, we have traditionally used limited Government in our Republic to deal with men who have not the peace of Christ within to maintain law & order, but we also had two-parent families to help reinforce that respect for authority.

The US is now #1 in single Mother homes, which as the Middle East has shown us generates criminals and terrorists when only the wealthy can afford to marry, so our cities that are looted, burned, raped, & pillaged is merely a symptom of the Fatherless home and lack of respect for authority.

However, the family of God can help transform our neighborhoods when we have the Holy Spirit and can truthfully and adequately preach, not one party or the other to bring about social justice through Government, but when we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ that transforms and redeems the human heart so the individual can be the social justice their world needs. For when many men have the Peace of Christ in their hearts, they don't need Government to keep a tepid, feeble and weak sense of societal peace, that can crumble in a generation or two when Jesus is not at the heart and center of men in their families!


Original NOTE/BLOG along with comments can be found at: - I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them.


Some migrated comments from FB Notes:

Historians on Progressives Is there any coexisting with Progressives if you believe in the original intent of the founders (for a Constitutional Government).

Historians interviewed: Ronald J. Pestritto author of Woodrow Wilson and the Roots of Modern Liberalism, Burton W. Folsom Jr. author of New Deal or Raw Deal?: How FDR's Economic Legacy Has Damaged America, Larry Schweikart author of A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror
🌟🇺🇸Jeff 6%🇺🇸🌟

In the 1960s

40% of Blacks had their own businesses

87% of Black families were two-parent


<7% of Blacks own businesses

Only 25% of Black families are two-parent


Blacks moved to the Democrat party

In 1900, a Black child was 2X as like to have a Father & Mother in their home as a White child, what happened

Larry Elder: Years ago, I interviewed Kwaise Mfume, then president of the NAACP. As between the presence of white racism and the absence of black fathers," I asked him, Which poses the bigger threat to the black community to the black community?"
Kwaise Mfume: "The absence of black fathers!".
Black Fathers Matter +++++++++++++++
More Black men will be killed by Black men in the USA in 6 months' time than all the lynchings from 1862-1968! What happened?

The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans #CharacterMatters #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter Taleeb Starkes, author of Amazon #1 bestseller "Black Lies Matter," lists the five. They may surprise you.
How did the poverty of the inner city black community come to rural America which is predominantly White w/drug abuse, high crime rates, fatherless homes? The problem in America is BEYOND any specific race. +++++++++++++++

The Earth Day Vision of 1970 chose a total population of 260 million American citizens by 2050 by going with 2 children per home. America at the time had an immigration policy of 250,000 LEGAL immigrants to replace the exiting 250,000 citizens who left the United State annually, but in 1990, after seeing Native Americans elect Reagan and Bush to 3 terms, the Democrat-controlled Congress of 1990 increased legal immigration to 1 million annually, so that by 2010 we reached 300 million American citizens and currently at 330 million US Citizens.

This does not include the 22 million illegal immigrants Progressives desire to make legal!

#Immigration #ReplacingAmerica #Millennials #RedPilled #Woke +++++++++++++++
Progressive's Legal Immigration increases of 1 million annually and undesired population increases to the USA! We had 26 million NEW legal immigrants by the 2016 election from 1990 and Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million because of it but LOST the electoral college. This is like the immigration of THREE New Cities the size of NYC into the US population in 26 years' time!

The Earth Day Vision of 1970 chose a total population of 260 million American citizens by 2050 by going with 2 children per home. America at the time had an immigration policy of 250,000 LEGAL immigrants to replace the exiting 250,000 citizens who left the United State annually, but in 1990, after seeing Native Americans elect Reagan and Bush to 3 terms, the Democrat-controlled Congress of 1990 increased legal immigration to 1 million annually, so that by 2010 we reached 300 million American citizens and currently at 330 million US Citizens.

The American people NEVER asked for this population increase, this is all the work of Progressive Democrats to Immigrate a larger voting block of Muslims and Hindu populations to replace the Evangelical Christians who elected Reagan & Bush and now Trump and replace them with people more accepting of a Socialist Government as Europe has done and is doing:

#Immigration #ReplacingAmerica #Millennials #RedPilled #Woke
Who's funding the American race riots? Democrats and celebrities! +++++++++++++++

Color, Communism and Common Sense. Socialism is the 1st Stage Towards Communism  +++++++++++++++ 
FULL INTERVIEW: An0maly Asks G. Edward Griffin About Viral Videos, Yuri Bezmenov, Health, The Future Of America & More! +++++++++++++++ 
#soros #paidanarchy #terrorism

There are some who advocate anarchy, however, not because they want no government, but because they do not like what they have. They use anarchy as a tool for revolutionary change. The condition of anarchy is very much like a vacuum where something rushes in to fill it. These calculating anarchists work to break down the existing government with rioting, killing, looting, and terrorism. Tragically, the people living in such chaos often go to those best able to put an end to it and beg them to take over and restore order. And who is best able to put an end to the chaos? The very people who started it. The anarchists who created the problem then create a government run by them, an oligarchy, where they have total power. This is exactly what happened in Russia that led to Lenin taking total power, and in Germany where Hitler's brown shirts created that chaos that brought him to power. But anarchy is not a stable form of government, it is a quick transition from something that exists, to something desired by the power-hungry . . .

Republic vs Democracy - +++++++++++++++ 
Progressive is another word for American Communists!

Communists usually take care of the 10% and forget about the rest of the people. Now, who does that sound like? Let's see what did Obama do for the past 8 years? Why did Hillary lose? Probably something to do with the last 8 years of Obama taking care of the 10% and forgetting about everyone else:

Most Americans Still Worse Off Than Before Recession, Fed Finds

Newly released income and wealth data from the Federal Reserve Board’s triennial Survey of Consumer Finances show that America’s richest families enjoyed gains in income and net worth over the last decade. Not part of the top 10 percent? Then your income probably fell. The data show that families ranked in the highest percentile saw an income gain of $16,300 from 2007 to 2016. Those below are still making less money.

When it comes to wealth, the gap is even bigger. In 2007, half of families had a net worth of $139,700 or more and half fell below this level. By 2016, the midpoint dropped to $97,300 -- a decline of $42,600. Families ranked in the top tenth of net worth have enjoyed a sizable gain since 2007: a $132,100 rise in net worth to reach almost $1.2 million. +++++++++++++++ 
The government shutdown spotlights a bigger issue: 78% of US workers live paycheck to paycheck - +++++++++++++++  Inflation Calculator: Money’s Real Worth Over Time - - in the calculator on the page put in 1980 for the first year, $20 for the value of money, and 2020 for the current year, and you will see a 215.9% jump in inflation! +++++++++++++++ 
Goodbye Middle Class: 50 Percent Of American Workers Make Less Than 33,000 Dollars A Year via @DCClothesline #Millennials #RedPilled #Woke +++++++++++++++ 
Greatest Threat to the USA’s FUTURE is NOT climate change but Progressive Politicians and their destructive path forward. +++++++++++++++