Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Progressives HATE America, they do not LOVE America: Abortion, Immigration, The Wall, Inflation!

 Progressives HATE America, they do not LOVE America: Abortion, Immigration, The Wall, Inflation!

We have legally immigrated 30 million people to the United States since 1990. Was there a reason to import 3 cities the size of NYC into our country? And now politicians want to make legal the 22 million illegals already here! Meanwhile, we have killed 1.5 million American children annually since 1973 and this has been the Progressives solutions to replacing the lost tax base they destroyed as well as bringing in populations more accepting of socialism to keep them in power once the Baby Boomers have died off and can't keep them in power any longer.

Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs -

Immigrating 1 million from other countries only takes away the very people that could reform their own countries leaving them worse off, not better.

Jesus' command was to go into all the world, not bring in immigrants to bankrupt your country. Israel in Jesus' day of a population of 600,000 that could not have afforded to immigrate 100,000 people a year, let alone 1 million.

I love my compassionate Christian brothers & sisters, but we also have to love God with our MIND, as well as our heart, soul, strength, and use discernment especially since we were also commanded to be as shrewd/wise as serpents but gentle as doves.

Impoverishing America and destroying the American family by bringing in cheaper employment in a country already #1 for single mother homes without fathers in them is not going to make us stronger, but weaker.

Mexico pays a minimum wage of $0.75 an hour, so Progressives act like Immigrants coming here for $5.00 an hour is some Saintly duty they are doing, when if I could leave the US where minimum wage is $7.50 an hour and go to Canada and make $37.50 an hour, I would be applying for a VISA today and if I could not get one, I would be tempted to hop the border in an instant illegally to make that much under the table!

The Wall has helped prevent illegal drugs from crossing, has helped slow the import of children & women for sex trafficing as well as limit the access of dangerous gangs & criminals such as MS13.

A commenter on another post said, "A Civil War has begun!" to which I replied:

A war has been being waged against America since 1973, but too many Americans turned a blind eye to it, and then in 1990, phase TWO of that war was implemented and Americans were blind to it because Congress & the Media kept it hidden.

Before 1973, politicians would cycle in and out of office with the change in generations, but the war began in earnest in 1973 when 1.5 million Generation X babies were murdered each year, so by the time I began to vote in 1986, my generations' votes were never going to be greater than the Baby Boomer's generation who have been able to keep corrupt politicians in office 50, 40, 30 years & my generation could not change the course since we were decimated with a generational genocide through abortion.

What you are seeing with the looting, rioting, and burning of our cities, is the same genocidal murderers of Generation X now throwing a fit because 200,000 Baby Boomers dying in an election year via COVID19 has them scared their grip on power is coming to an end since Millennials who are bigger will not follow in their Grandparents' footsteps having elected Trump to office.

The Progressives' fear is that they will not have ENOUGH foreigner immigrants brought into the USA at 1 million annually before the Baby Boomers die off to continue to keep them in POWER in DC and across the country!

They are also upset that Trump put a freeze on them after Americans lost so many jobs after COVID19 and the LOCKDOWNS!

#Election2020 #ChooseLife #ProLife #AmericanLivesMatter #Immigration #SCOTUS Actions speak LOUDER than words! Open your eyes America! Democrats threatening to riot over the Supreme Court Nominee, already rioting, looting, setting fires, murdering! Mother Teresa's prophetic words reach beyond her grave to testify to the very truth we are seeing in 2020! 

In my life, I've been told the Government is going to make things better. Instead what I have seen is Government's notion of social justice has not made things better.

Ronald Reagan did not want to be married to his first wife who could have no children, so he instituted "No-fault divorces" when previously you had to prove infidelity to get a divorce.

And Federal Government soon agreed and made it national, because it was so unjust to keep two people together who were not obviously happy with each other. This led to the Baby Boomers having a 50% divorce rate and 75% of the children from those divorced homes suffering divorces of their own because they never had a healthy image of marriage that is about sharing and struggle and not fantasy and selfish control.

Then LBJ's great society was going to war on poverty which had reached 17% in the 1960s and the Government threw trillions of dollars at poverty, and it has not changed at all, in fact, by the end of 2016, 90% of Americans were worse off than they were in 2007, 78% lived paycheck to paycheck, 50% did not have a $1,000 saved at years end to invest.

In the 1980s my step-Father made $36,000 annually working two jobs to take care of a family of 8.

In 1989, Federal & State employees equaled those in manufacturing, and by 2016, at 22 million Federal & State employees, they nearly doubled manufacturing at 12 million after sending 56,000 factories overseas from America making the 1% richer, and deficit spending by Government jumped inflation 103% since 1989. Walmart is the largest employer at 2.1 million, but Government is 10X the size with pension packages 2/3rds higher than private employed white-collar workers, Walmart & Blue Collar workers are left with 401ks, not pensions, which payout in one generation & bankrupt the next being a pyramid ponzu scheme Government has left legal & taxpayers foot the shortfalls in Government, while businesses go bankrupt when the 2and generation comes to collect their pensions.

So by 2016, 50% of Americans made $33,000 or less and there were record high adult suicides in that demographic on adults giving up not able to afford the cost of living set at $56,000 a year due to deficit spending by the Government driving up inflation 215.9%. since 1980 So Dad provided for a family of 8 on $36,000 in the 1980s, but single adult Americans cannot afford the cost of living on $33,000 or less.

A dollar is worth what $0.25 was in 1980. Every time people vote Progressive Democrat or RINO GOP, you are voting for them to increase spending to devalue your dollar more. If Joe Biden gets elected & AOC gets her way with a $100 trillion spending bill, your dollar will be worth what a penny was in 1989! Voting Progressive is like paying a thief to come & rob your home anytime they so desire!

Inflation Calculator: Money’s Real Worth Over Time - - in the calculator on the page put in 1980 for the first year, $20 for the value of money, and 2020 for the current year, and you will see a 215.9%% jump in inflation! #Millennials #redpilled #Woke

I worked in Quality for 5 years for a subcontract and after working 60-80 hours a week from 2012-2017, I made $35,000 a year and have nothing to show for it, the money is GONE thanks to inflation, and the result of my hard work was I got diabetes from lack of sleep and weight gain from stress, and now have prescriptions of over $500 a month, and if I stop taking them I will not live, without my medicine, I can die in two weeks time from either heart attack or stroke from high blood sugar.

So I am not a champion of the Government to provide social justice or to improve my quality of life. For 50 years I have seen the opposite.

They legalized abortion to keep people in Government for 50 years because they killed off enough Generation X, my generation, that we could never have the votes to override the Baby Boomers, and they sold fear to Baby Boomers that unless you elected them to keep your social security secure, your life would suffer great injustice!

Then in 1990, when they saw Evangelicals elect Reagan & Bush to 3 terms, they increased LEGAL immigration from 250,000 from 1776 to 1976 to replace that same amount of people leaving the United States to ONE MILLION annually, to help replace the 1.5 million annual abortions, and so in 1970 the Earth Day Class met to limit children to 2 families so the US would not grow beyond 250 million until 2050, but thanks to Progressives in Government we have immigrated 30 million people to the US and by 2016 that was 26 million or 3 cities the size of NYC, enough to give Hillary Clinton the popular vote of 3 million, but not enough sent to states in the electoral college to give her the win she needed. We reached 300 million by 2010 and are now at 330 million Americans and continuing to immigrate 1 million per year is not sustainable for our economic future, but if left uncheck, you will eventually have enough Muslim and Hindu votes for socialism to negate the Evangelical vote in America.

Immigration by the Numbers -- Off the Charts

Progressives are replacing Americans with foreigners for the sake of power and to replace the Baby Boomers who have kept them in power as that generation dies off, the only question is can they do it in time before they lose power as that generation dies off?

I did not vote for Trump to have Government fix things or bring about social justice, I voted for him to limit the power of Government that has had an overreach in the past 50 years of my life slowly destroying American lives.

Trump has simply been a plug in a dam about to burst, and it still may since Blue States have set prisoners free rather than give them masks and keep them in jail and we have rioting, looting, rapes, murder, arson going on in the streets of cities in Blue States.

The Apostle Paul said to live at peace with all men as much as possible. We cannot expect to bring justice to other men, we cannot legislate justice. Justice from the Kingdom of Heaven has to come from having the Prince of Peace at rule in the heart of man.

Man cannot have peace with fellow man, when man does not have the Holy Spirit to have Heaven within through the Prince of Peace to transform and grow the seed in the broken soil of humanity, and as Jesus taught it cannot grow in the thorns & thistles, nor the shallow rocky soil, or on the hardened path.

By default, we have traditionally used limited Government in our Republic to deal with men who have not the peace of Christ within to maintain law & order, but we also had two-parent families to help reinforce that respect for authority.

The US is now #1 in single Mother homes, which as the Middle East has shown us generates criminals and terrorists when only the wealthy can afford to marry, so our cities that are looted, burned, raped, & pillaged is merely a symptom of the Fatherless home and lack of respect for authority.

However, the family of God can help transform our neighborhoods when we have the Holy Spirit and can truthfully and adequately preach, not one party or the other to bring about social justice through Government, but when we preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ that transforms and redeems the human heart so the individual can be the social justice their world needs. For when many men have the Peace of Christ in their hearts, they don't need Government to keep a tepid, feeble and weak sense of societal peace, that can crumble in a generation or two when Jesus is not at the heart and center of men in their families!


Original NOTE/BLOG along with comments can be found at: - I have migrated over here to Google Blogger since Facebook has removed NOTES in a list from Profiles & who knows when they shall outright just delete them.


How Progressive Socialists BROKE THE FAMILY in America in the last 60 years!

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