Friday, April 23, 2021

WOKENESS MONSTERS: up from the depths of the FEELS! They FEEL SELF-RIGHTEOUS, reason, logic, timelines be damned!

 WOKENESS MONSTERS: up from the depths of the FEELS! They FEEL SELF-RIGHTEOUS, reason, logic, timelines . . . all be damned!

When I was a child of 11 years of age in 1979, the preacher's family came over to a visit to our home in rural Jeston, KY. I was outside playing baseball when the preacher's sons brought their new puppies over to where we were playing ball. I told the oldest son, who was my age multiple times to remove the puppies from where we were playing baseball because they were in the way. Then the ball comes in, I hit it and I go to run, and I step on a puppy's head that I do not see that ran beneath my feet, and blood comes gushing out of its nose and mouth, and here I am in shock and horror to what has happened. Then I come to Trevecca Nazarene College in 1986, and in 1988 when I am a Junior, a fellow freshmen student from Alabama at Trevecca who knew the preacher's wife tells everyone of the story where I killed a puppy having heard it second hand from her at some point between 1979 and 1988. It was totally unfair and out of context. I am forced to remember and relive a horrible accident and have to explain how it was an accident and not intentional. I said all of this in allegory to my FB Friend to point out the following after he adopted the view propagandized in the media that George Floyd's death was racially motivated. Forget about MLK Jr's dream that his children be judged on the content of their character and not their skin, so I responded to him directly by name below where it says "A FB Friend" or "The FB Friend", but for privacy will not post his name here: A FB Friend and fellow Alumnus deleted the evidence of George Floyd having enough fentanyl in his body to kill a bear when I posted it to his timeline when he claimed the policeman acted solely out of racist motives. My 2nd cousin died from fentanyl last year, and fortunately, there were no police arresting him when he died so they could be blamed. The FB Friend also deleted the link to George Floyd's crime of dressing up as a meter reader for the Water Company in 2007, so he could get his foot in the door and allow his gang to pull up in their van and charge and rob the woman's home, putting a gun or her pregnant belly threatening her. George Floyd Posed As A Water Company Man To Rob A Pregnant Woman The FB Friend also deleted the evidence of the video not seen by the public where George Floyd was violently resisting arrest, and then the MMA fighter and mob threatening police after his arrest. It's very hard to pay attention to your victim when you have a mob surrounding you, yelling at you, you know George Floyd has had a gang before, how many of them have shown up to threaten you now in the crowd? You are pumped full of adrenaline and anger from the fight or flight scenario you have just had with George Floyd resisting arrest, and he lied to the woman to break into her house and now you are supposed to believe a liar when he says he can't breathe or may be playing possum and you are supposed to have the wisdom after the fact to know the right thing to do to save the criminals life? It so easy to judge when the job is NOT yours!

My FB Friend is overall a good man, but he allowed a manipulative segment of News Media that had so much propaganda invested to start the nationwide rioting and looting and raping and pillaging of American cities last summer, all to be justified because the police are racists and America and Trump supporters are racist.

My FB Friend gave into the #WOKENESS #MONSTERS, up from the DEPTH OF THE #FEELS!  Where your feeling are to trump reason, logic, timeliness, you are so SELF-RIGHTEOUS, you CANNOT POSSIBLY BE WRONG because you FEEL for a perversion of the common good.

Don't let a few facts get in the way, such as:

According to the SPLC, active membership in the KKK is 8,000 members, and 900 in the Neo-Nazis in the USA in a nation with a total population of 330 million Americans.

White Racism is red herring used to not deal with the bigger problem of the broken homes in America, where the US is now #1 in the world for unwed mothers, and Fatherless children have been proven a historical breeding grounds for crime & terrorism, as we have seen in the Middle East where only the very rich can afford to marry, and so men turn to Radical Islam & have been spreading terrorism for decades now.

America's chickens have come home to roost. I am an Alutiiq, a Native Alaskan, there are only 10,000 of my race in America because in the 17th century Russians came to Alaska and tried to make my ancestors slaves, and they rebelled, but not having guns, they were reduced in population from 32,000 to 3,000.

So I find it hard to have sympathy for minorities who number 40 million or more who then say they are oppressed by whites.

I have seen racism in my lifetime, seen my Mother & relatives mistreated because of their racial makeup, and I have been none too pleased by it, but that being said, I can count on one hand the individuals encountered in 52 years of living, so it is a very small minority of the American public even in the Southern US where I currently live.

That being said, according to a Washing State University researcher, Lois James, Police are more likely to shoot an unarmed white man in the line of duty than a black man or a Hispanic man.

Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer analyzed more than 1,000 officer-involved shootings across the country. He concluded there is zero bias in police shootings.

In Houston, he found the blacks were 24% less likely than whites to be shot by officers even though the suspects were armed or violent.

An analysis of the Washington Post's Police Shooting Database and of Federal Crime Statistics reveals that while 12% of all White & Hispanics who die of homicide are killed by cops, By contrast, 4% of black homicide victims are killed by cops.

But isn't it a sign of violence that blacks make up 26% of police shooting victims? But only 13% of the population? It is not, and common sense suggests why. Police shootings occur more frequently where officers confront armed or violently resisting suspects. Those suspects are disproportionately black. According to the most recent study by the Department of Justice, although blacks were only 15% of the population in the 75 largest counties in the US, they were charged with 62% of all robberies, 57% of all murders, and 45% of assaults.

In NYC blacks commit over 3/4ths of all shootings even though they are only 23% of the city's population. Whites, by contrast, commit under 2% of all shootings in the city even though they are 34% of the population.

NYC's crime disparities are repeated virtually in every racially diverse city in America.

The real problem facing inner-city black communities in America is not the police but black criminals.

In 2014, over 6,000 blacks were murdered, more than all-white or Hispanic homicide victims combined. Who is killing them? Not the police, not white civilians, but other blacks.

In fact, a police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.

If the police ended all use of lethal force tomorrow, it would have a negligible impact on the black death by homicide rate.

In Chicago, through the first 6 1/2 months of 2016, over 2,300 people were shot. That's a shooting an hour some weekends. The vast majority of the victims were black. During this same period, Chicago police shot 12 people, all armed and dangerous. That's 1/2 of 1% of all shootings.

Are The Police Racist? -

#BlackLivesMatter #CharacterMatters #MythOfRacialInjustice #RacialInjustice #ProgressiveCommunists #CityRiots2020 #NannyStateUnHinged #RedPilled #Woke or don't let this fact get in the way either:
In 1900 a Black child was 2X as likely to have a Mother and Father in the home as a White child, and before LBJ's great society in 1965, in 1964 75% of Black homes had a Father in them and today it is less than 25%, so what happened?

Larry Elder: Years ago, I interviewed Kwaise Mfume, then president of the NAACP. As between the presence of white racism and the absence of black fathers," I asked him, Which poses the bigger threat to the black community to the black community?"

Kwaise Mfume: "The absence of black fathers!".

Black Fathers Matter

#BlackLivesMatter #CharacterMatters #MythOfRacialInjustice #RacialInjustice #ProgressiveCommunists #CityRiots2020 #NannyStateUnHinged #RedPilled #Woke

How many NFL players, #CharlesGoodall, are absent Fathers? Do they mirror the 75% missing from the Black home in 2017, when in 1963, only 25% were missing? or don't let this fact get in the way either:
More Black men kill other Black men in America in 6 months' time annually than all the lynchings from 1862-1968! What has gone so wrong in the Black Community?

The Top 5 Issues Facing Black Americans #CharacterMatters #BlackLivesMatter #AllLivesMatter Taleeb Starkes, author of Amazon #1 bestseller "Black Lies Matter," lists the five. They may surprise you.

#BlackLivesMatter #CharacterMatters #MythOfRacialInjustice #RacialInjustice #ProgressiveCommunists #CityRiots2020 #NannyStateUnHinged #RedPilled #Woke or that fact that not all blacks are victims:
The Myth of Systemic Racism Part 2 - #BlackLivesMatter #CharacterMatters Immigrant West Indies or Jamaican Blacks in NYC have two-parent homes, do not grow up dependent upon generational welfare, don't have problems with law-enforcement and yet this subset of black culture lives in the same neighborhoods as Blacks in NYC who do. Obviously, the White man is not keeping the West Indies or Jamaican Blacks of NYC down!

#MythOfRacialInjustice #RacialInjustice #ProgressiveCommunists #CityRiots2020 #NannyStateUnHinged #RedPilled #Woke And don't let the reality begin to set in that the WOKENESS MONSTERS who have worked on my good friend conscience are hiding the reality of Progressive Government creating the very environment that has made the USA #1 in single-Mother homes in the World, and using the Red Herring of "Systemic Racism" in their Lobbyist owned Media to hide their own sins against Americans regardless of their race:
How did the poverty of the inner city black community come to rural America which is predominantly White with drug abuse, high crime rates, fatherless homes? The problem in America is BEYOND any specific race.

Tucker: Leaders show no obligation to American voters

#BlackLivesMatter #CharacterMatters #MythOfRacialInjustice #RacialInjustice #ProgressiveCommunists #CityRiots2020 #NannyStateUnHinged #RedPilled #Woke
And finally,
Progressives have killed 63 plus million Americans through abortion since 1973 to genocide Generation X so Baby Boomers could keep the corrupt in power for 48 years defrauding my generations' vote, jumped inflation 215.9% since 1980 so your $Dollar is worth what a quarter was in 1980 with over $20 trillion in deficit spending & AOC & Bernie want another $100 trillion, so your dollar can be worth what a PENNY was in 1980 & since 1990 Progressives have brought in 30 million LEGAL immigrants at 1 million a year from Hindu & Muslim nations more accepting of socialism & want to make 22 million illegal immigrants legal to replace aborted Americans & the WOKENESS MONSTERS up from the DEPTHS OF THE FEELS would have you think a small minority crowd of less than 1% of Trump supporters who protested breaking into the Capitol on January 6th damaged America greater than Progressives for 48 years or al Qaeda on 9/11?

Progressives HATE America, they do not LOVE America: Abortion, Immigration, The Wall, Inflation! #StolenElection2020 #LyingJoeBiden #ProgressiveCommunists