Tuesday, November 24, 2020

RE: A reinterpretation of 'original sin'

RE: A reinterpretation of 'original sin' 

From- RE: A reinterpretation of 'original sin'

I remember upon once asking an Orthodox Jewish young man, as to whether the Hebrew for Man (Ish) and Woman (Ishish) was best translated "Earthling" in masculine and feminine form.

Expecting a greater explanation, instead, he said to me, "Oh, man, you're talking about the Mysteries . . . you're not supposed to understand those!" A bit of later Hebrew hyperbole and circular logic for sure, as is found in the structure of the language, to begin with.

Myself, I believe that when Adam and Eve sinned, and their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked, it was more than just childish shame or embarrassment. I think for the first time, they saw what it was to see their existence with them at the Center of it instead of God. Inadequate was the great cry that came forth.

When I see people today, smoking to relieve stress, chasing after every sinful vice to relieve stress. When I see a world that is sold on its insecurities and markets them to others, then I see the children of Adam and Eve. They may wear clothes, but they don't realize that they still comprehend their nakedness - their existence without God at the Center, and instead of peace, all one finds is fear. Too often I find it in the Church too, when people are focused on their selfish needs, instead of having a servant's heart that goes out into the Highways and Byways of life, to seek the lost. The Greek for the Church literally means "The Called Out Ones" and yet for too many people it has become a place of fortification instead of rescue and Sabbath (Hebrew for rest)!

For me, at times, that peace seems hard to come by. Too many times, I am standing in the Center of my Life, instead of allowing God to be Front and Center. However, in times, of prayer and meditation, it seems as though I could face anything and not be afraid. But in a world that demands so much of my time, the challenge is to let God be God in other people as well, and to avoid the temptation to try to play Messiah, and be everything when I cannot.

I've seen too many a well-meaning Christian and Minister make that mistake, and soon they are tired, they are worn out, they are stressed out, they are feeling naked, and soon they are falling right back into the very sin they were cursed with at birth.

Being born again is a daily ritual. Every day I have to die out, and Christ has to live anew. If not, soon, I am running around naked and powerless and wanting to find some way to hide from it!

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15:5


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I finally found a copy of this blog that thankfully, I emailed Pastor Gary Allen Henecke a copy of on December 3, 2007, after doing some archive work in my email today. My Space has still not restored our blogs in spite of promising to do so after deleting them in June. If the link to the original is ever restored will edit it into the Hyperlink at the top of the page.

    This was actually a response I posted on another friend's blog on My Space who started the discussion on what was "original sin"

    MySpace deleted BLOGS in September 2011, and I am migrating this from FB Notes, since Facebook no longer lists NOTES after October 31, 2020 on your profile, but fortunately, for the ones I created URLs for elsewhere, I am finding them and migrating them over here to BLOGGER!
