Saturday, December 12, 2020

Red State Republic vs. Blue State Utopia

 Red State Republic vs. Blue Utopia

Lol, no way, if y’all wanna have all the red states secede you’re sure as h*** taking Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett with you.

John Dalton
 Reminder that there are zero blue states, only blue cities. So care to tell me again how Blue States would survive IF Red States form a new Union of United States & all the Red Counties joined us as well?

George Walter Bratcher III
 George Walter Bratcher III You think the red counties are going to secede from their state?
I mean I guess that’s possible, but the red counties have the same problem that the red states have - they aren’t where the money is being made. Take NC for instance. The red counties are again, net TAKERS of state tax. They receive more state tax dollars than they provide. If suddenly the tax dollars from the blue counties that are actually making all the money in these red states stop flowing into those red counties they’re going to go broke.
It’ll be even worse if the blue counties in those red states actually agree to secede as well. How well will Florida do when the 3 counties that supply 40% of their tax base all say they’re out? How about Texas without Austin and Dallas Fort Worth?
It just won’t work, man.

John Dalton
 It is simply a matter of reversing the tapeworm economy set up by Progressives. The models show a prosperous America.
Cite #2 - Tape Worm Economy - Deliberate implosion of US economy - #redpilled
Deliberate implosion of US economy: Catherine Austin Fitts
Deliberate implosion of US economy: Catherine Austin Fitts
Deliberate implosion of US economy: Catherine Austin Fitts

  • George Walter Bratcher III
     Right. It’s funny the models you decide to believe and disbelieve happen to confirm what you already believe and all are on YouTube.
    As I’ve said before, I don’t watch YouTube except for funny dog clips and cool Woodworking videos. If you want to convince me about a proposed economic model then link me to analysis of it in a peer reviewed economic journal.

    John Dalton
     Well, Catherine Austin Fitts was ONLY George Herbert Walker Bush's Secretary of Housing, I mean what does she know right? She's just a woman, wait a minute, that doesn't work in woke Blue States, don't worry 
    John Dalton
     in the New Union of United States we won't need 22 million bureaucrats at the Federal & State Levels to run things.
    We will bring back all the manufacturing shipped overseas, with a NEW CDC, we can show American less than 10,000 Americans died of COVID19 and the rest were smokers and ex-smokers who were dying anyway, once they got 55 being 95% of the population and that 60% being 79 & older was called growing old and dying, not COVID19.
    With our New EPA, no restrictions on businesses, and so we can go ahead and put President Trump's head on Mount Rushmore, employing many.
    I mean, 
    John Dalton
    , it's too bad all your education is ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, NYTimes, I mean if you had at least taken Micro/Macro Economics in College, you would know all this to be true, and you could drop the MockingbirdMedia Progressive Pabulum you've ingested your whole life!
    Tennesee can join Texas in leaving the old Union of Oligarchical Blue States who are crippling their economies with shutdowns to increase net imports from China to Walmart & Amazon to enrich the profits of the 1% while 8 million Americans have sunk into poverty with the shutdowns this past year and American small businesses have gone bankrupt.
    I mean after all even Davy Crockett volunteered and left to join Texas in a New Republic! It is time for History to repeat itself.
    We've got work to do here in the Red States, 
    John Dalton
    , especially on putting Trump's head on Mount Rushmore!
    You have fun living in the Blue States naming their streets next to sidewalks to no-where after Obama while they import more Muslim & Hindu immigrants to add to your welfare roles, while creating more death panels under Obamacare, because aborting 1.5 million children a year is not enough for them, they have to not let these old Americans without 1%er status live, shutdowns are simply to protect the Old Blue 1%er bureaucrats, they can just ship all the 79 and older Americans to Cuomo's Nursing Homes in NYC, so they can die faster, save the Old Blue State Union on tax money wasted/spent on them!
    In California, since the Police are defunded, they can hire the illegal immigrant MS-13 gang members to rule the streets, keep the neighborhoods in line with the Blue State curfews! In Baltimore and DC they can just employ Black Lives Matter to enforce COVID19 curfews, why waste money on the racist police anyway?
    You have fun living in your Progressive Paradise in the Blue States, 
    John Dalton
    , man, you'll be living the dream!


    Above discussion found at -


    Progressives HATE America, they do not LOVE America: Abortion, Immigration, The Wall, Inflation! #StolenElection2020 #LyingJoeBiden #ProgressiveCommunists

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