Thursday, July 13, 2023

Black Rock, George Soros, J Street, Progressives are the GREATEST threat Native Americans or Americans have ever known!

 Black Rock, George Soros, J Street, Progressives are the GREATEST threat Native Americans or Americans have ever known!

The Native American Culture group on Facebook shared this MEME from Native American Quotes and so I responded in the first group saying:

George Walter Bratcher III
"This is a horrible way to raise up your young people, as victims! I say that to the White Anglo-Saxon, don't become a Ghost Dancer! The White race didn't do anything the Comanche didn't do, they just did it better, on a larger scale!" - David Yeagley (RIP Native American Patriot) “The Dread or Fear of Whiteness” #Alutiiq #Sugpiaq #Comanche #NativeAmerican #Millennials #RedPilled #Woke

and the following reply was given:

Bernadine Kaufman Chapman
George Walter Bratcher III so taking land, driving them onto reservations, bringing the white mans diseases, taking away their children & their way of life, was doing JUST the same thing they were doing?Are u saying that their still treated fairly???

and so I replied:

George Walter Bratcher III
Bernadine Kaufman Chapman There is NO WAY the European Immigrants could have conquered the 100 MILLION Natives in North, Central, and South America that were here in 1492. No way, but the Spanish brought the smallpox virus that decimated 95% of that population before James Town ever got established in Virginia.
So what was left was 5 million Natives in North, Central, and South America.
You should really do a search on YouTube and listen to David Yeagley (RIP).
David Yeagley (September 5, 1951 – March 11, 2014) was a Comanche,[2] classical composer, conservative political writer[3] and activist. He was born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He earned a bachelor's degree from Oberlin Conservatory, a Master of Arts from Emory University, an Artist Diploma from the University of Hartford (Hartt School of Music), and a Doctorate from the University of Arizona. He was the first American Indian ever admitted to Yale Divinity School,[4] where he earned a Master of Divinity degree.[4]
Yeagley wrote for the right-wing online FrontPage Magazine.[3]
In 2011, Yeagley filed a lawsuit against the organization One People's Project for participating in actions that allegedly led to the cancellation of an American Renaissance conference in 2010 where he was scheduled to speak.[5]
David never denied the tragedy that befell the Native American, but he is right in that the Immigrants in the New World United in a way the American Natives never did.
He spoke of the Comanche, who came from the Wind, they didn't even belong to other Native Americans in their mind. He said the Spanish had been unable to get the Apache out of Texas for 300 years, and the Comanche did it in 6 months' time.
You face the same conundrum when you ask who owns Mount Rushmore:
Who owned the Black Hills before the Lakota?
The Black Hills of South Dakota – Legends of America
Native Americans have inhabited the region for almost 10,000 years. The Arikara arrived in the Black Hills by about 1500 A.D., followed by the Cheyenne, Crow, Kiowa, and Pawnee. However, when the Lakota arrived in the 18th century, they drove out the other tribes and claimed the land for themselves.
Before the smallpox plague hit, the Aztecs in Mexico were sacrificing 30,000 conquered fellows Native Americans a year, so that the blood flowed down the steps of their pyramids as water.
David Yeagley taught the class "The Rise And Fall Of Nations" while teaching in Oklahoma, and he pointed out that every culture on the face of the Earth was a conquering or conquered culture, at least from the Pharaohs in Egypt, to the modern age.
David said basically, even though conquered, the Immigrants to the new world admired the warrior spirit of the Native Cultures, naming their sports teams after them.
America could not have conquered in Pacific without the help of Navaho code talkers, whose code the Japanese could never break.
So here we are in the 21st century. Yeagley said what differentiated the White Immigrants from Europe from other conquerors in history, was plaguing self-reflection, that comes from the influence of Christianity, because other cultures around the world, conquered, and then don't care about it, they don't have second thoughts.
He said the problem with the White Immigrants' descendants, is that they are now a warrior with no enemy and so they are destroying themselves, giving away everything they conquered and took away from the Native Americans and giving it away to other cultures that never could have conquered the Native American. Nothing frustrated him more than to see the Whites take what they took from him, and give it away to Muslim Immigrants, whose ultimate goal under Sharia Law is that in their faith, there will only be peace when the whole world is under Sharia Law. [see for reference: Three Stages of Jihad David Wood]
David Yeagley was right, America became the adopted son of the Native Americans. What am I going to do, hate myself? My genetic heritage from the paternal side of my family is Dutch, German, and Cherokee, from my maternal side of my family it is Mongolian, Russian, Alutiiq (Native Alaskan), and Norweigan. I'm part of the great American melting pot, and Alaska says because my Grandmother was Native (Alutiiq), I am also Native. Dad died two weeks after I was born struck by a drunk drive, but Mom showed me his pictures of his jet black hair and brown eyes and Cherokee heritage from his Mother's side of the family, and Mom has her jet black hair and brown eyes, and they meet in Alaska when he gets drafted from KY into the Vietnam conflict, and sadly he dies at the hands of the drunk driver the same day his orders come in the mail to leave for Vietnam.
But when I am born two weeks earlier, here I am, this weird child with Alutiiq features and genetic expression in my face, but with red hair and blue eye. Mom had only seen black & white photos of her Father-in-law by 1968, and so she asks my Dad about my red hair, and my Father laughs and says, "My Daddy has red hair!"
So I do love my Native Alaskan American cultural heritage. Can I change the past? Can I change my mixed genetics in the American melting pot? Does it do me any good to become a Ghost Dancer and whine about things that cannot be changed?
I don't want to erase history, in that way, I despise cancel culture. They'll erase the past while abusing the present.

The Native American's greatest threat is not the past, but the present as even David Yeagley saw in his lifetime before he passed in 2014. I miss his voice, and his brilliant mind so much. We are in greater danger from Black Rock, George Soros, J Street, and the 7 counties surrounding Washington, DC who have murdered 63 million American babies since 1973 at $500 an abortion at a $31.5 billion dollar profit, who spend $12 million dollar an election to put godless pro-abortion deficit spending Progressives from both sides, Democrats & Republican, into Congress.
In 1990, knowing they had lost their future tax base to care for the Baby Boomers and other future retirees, the Democrats increased legal immigration from 250,000 as it had been from 1776 to 1976 to replace the 250,000 people leaving the United States, to 1 million. Was there a reason we have needed to legally immigrate 33 million immigrants since 1990, at more than 4X the population of NYC? Then they want to make the 22 million dreamers, illegal immigrants, already here legal, and then it is projected the Biden Administration will have immigrated 30 million illegals by 2024 opening the borders, so that we have 82 million immigrants to replace the 63 million murdered and aborted Americans.
Yes, the past was sad, but look at the numbers. The Spanish didn't purposely bring the smallpox virus here to kill 95 million of 100 million Native Americans in 1492, but progressives have purposely killed 63 million Americans since 1973 and are INTENTIONALLY replacing them with 82 million immigrants.
Do you want me to sit and cry about the past, or is the present far more important? If Americans and Native Americans don't wake up and change our government and these multicultural global corporations putting the Progressives into office damn decade after damn decade, who will even remember America or the Natives that came before? They will replace us all with immigrants from Asia and give the Muslims' Creeping Sharia a foothold here!
Did you see what Islam did to Lebanon, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Iran since the 1950s? Before and After Sharia Law: A Cautionary Tale


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